Oliver followed the pair a little further behind, still on alert for more threats, just in case. Of course, there was nothing to worry about, and the Paladin only managed to waste a bit of energy with his paranoia. He figured it was energy well spent, however, as if they'd been ambushed, he would have sorely regretted not being prepared. As it was, though, they had no trouble returning to the village. They collected their prisoner, and then handed him over to Sir Bartholmew and his henchmen. The warrior was glad his companion wasn't planning on turning the poor bastard into meals or something. He pushed away thoughts of where her meals were currently coming from, and instead focused on their luxurious ride back to the Guild Hall. The carriage that Daniƫlle had brought looked fancy on the outside, but that was nothing compared to how ridiculously comfortable it was to sit in. The warrior clambered inside and was shocked by the luxury. He grinned to himself as he got settled, looping one arm around Sanguine as she leaned against him. His other hand went to her thigh, holding onto the vampire tenderly as they got moving. "That's definitely one way of describing it." he agreed with a chuckle when his companion remarked on their adventure. "What are we going to do tomorrow night, Brain?" he asked with a smirk, wondering if the necromancer was thinking the same thing he was. They had plenty of time to figure it out either way, and the Paladin supposed he would just have to do his best to keep things light and well-intentioned...