"Corellia is a vastly important world to the Empire, not only are many of our great ships built there but it is home to millions of loyal Imperial citizens. We can't just march our soldiers through the streets and have them kick in doors. That would cause an outcry and give the voices of dissent more support. That situation could spiral into a full blown riot, even a civil war." The Admiral replied, as he crossed his arms and looked Sellgun then Ranna in the eyes each. "By capturing these bounties now it puts an immediate stop to their rebel rousing. If they are left unchecked then they will only gain strength behind their voices. We don't have images of the last three because they have been able to avoid encounter with our peacekeepers. It's a very large world, if one hides hard enough they can stay hidden. That's why we're offering you all far more than you'd expect to find each of these targets." Vondell continued on, Dene silent as he let his boss do the talking. He just wanted the bounty hunters off the ship, it was making many onboard antsy. "We need them alive because you cannot question a corpse. If these targets are the source of the talks of rebellion then capturing them puts an end to it. If it turns out they are just a cog in it then we can persuade them to tell us who is to blame for it. It is all a matter of keeping the peace. If they are killed then that could very well lead to martyrdom," The Admiral said as he turned his attention to the Mandolorian. He did not feel he had to elaborate on the last point. Then he added on another point, his words ice cold as they came out of his mouth. "You won't receive payment if the targets are killed." Then Dene whispered something into the Admiral's ear. There was other business he had to attend to on the ship. The bounty hunters would be able to discover any truths they seeked on the world, if they didn't feel comfortable doing the job then they could just go the other way and act like they were never called to the Avenger. "I have another meeting I must attend to. You all are dismissed." The Admiral stated, then moved towards the door at the same pace he entered it. The Captain following behind him as he did so, just before he left the room he paused in stride as Vondell turned towards the hunters one last time. "I almost forgot, the Empire has sent a sum of credits to each of you, one thousand each if I recall correctly? Consider it a forward payment." He said, then for the first time flashed a smile before he and the Captain exited the conference room. The wookie sighed to himself at the situation. Something was shady about it, but the credits were very good. A minute after the two mysterious Imperials left, he did the same, his translator droid beeping to itself as he walked back towards the hangar.