[hider=Garlenn Fellhamer][b]Name[/b]: Garlenn Fellhammer [b]Age[/b]: 38 [b]Sex[/b]: M [b]Race[/b]: Dwarf [b]Class/Sub-class[/b]: Warrior [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a2/fc/89/a2fc89228cecb41ff4c6dc08144cb63c.jpg[/img] [b]Abilities[/b]: [list] [*]Shield Bash [*]Shield Pummel [*]Taunt [*]Bravery [*]Power Attack [/list] [b]Personality[/b]: Garlenn's gruff and boisterous, and is always ready for a good scrap. He's got a savvy mind, reflected on his oft grinning face. He'll kill (most) anyone or anything if there's good enough coin. He tends to respect certain peoples more than others and goes easy on them. [b]History[/b]: Born as a Dwarf commoner who grew up in poverty, stealing, exploring the deep roads for abandoned valuable, and dealing under the table with merchants. When the 5th blight showed up, he had a weird sense of loyalty to his people, and many Dwarves agreed that whatever happened in this blight, they would be hit hard. Garlenn joined the Legion of the Damned, and he and his fellows fought for every inch of ground. Garlenn was among the most feircesome of fighters in the Legion. For despite his underhanded nature, he truly valued his race and homeland. That is, until the war was over. He fought and bled for his people, almost seeing it as a way to atone for his criminal acts. And after all of that, he realized that there never was a place for him in this society that wouldn't be in poverty. Well fuck that. The stone take them all. He'd rather the surface world instead, and so he did. He made his way to the surface, and decided to make his living as a mercenary, traveling across Ferelden and Orlais, killing bandits, beasts, and all manner of enemies. When he heard Darkspawn had returned however...they were always on the top of his list. [/hider] Will edit history in the morning^^