[img]http://i.imgur.com/1TZMott.png[/img] [h3][color=fb9096]Sora Naruse[/color][/h3][hr] Sora stretched out with a contented smirk as he thought over his recent progress in DGO. He had been a growing presence in the arena as he constantly fought continuously in both 1v1 and team battle settings. Although he most enjoyed duels, he quickly found his character was most geared towards duels and in a simple match with only one opponent there rarely was a skill set as specific as his in fighting a singular enemy and he would often transcend levels. Thus, he began prevailing more in team battles where he could hone his skills more aptly while maintaining an intensive degree of challenge, often embedding himself in outnumbered fights. Whenever he wasn't fighting in the arena, he was diligently farming dissolutions. Eventually, he had leveled up and attained his second ability, causing no small amount of elation. Following his level, he continued to practice in the arena and farm dissolutions until he was promptly kicked off following the events that transpired around the Corpse Collector's defeat. As pleased as he was with his current standing, however, he currently had nothing to do. His apartment recently had repairs and had reached livable conditions while his income was finally back on track with a part-time job. Without any sense of urgency, it had felt as if Sora's days had slowed to a crawl. Thus, Sora trudged out from his class and into the sun. Eventually, he made his way to a fairly large tree to which he propped himself up against and fell asleep with his backpack at his side.