[hider=Talon Nailo] Name: Talon Nailo Age: 25 (Human years) Sex: Male Race: Elf Class/Sub-class: Mage/Knight-Enchanter Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/59/06/79/5906795ce700aac661df358edb167dc7.jpg[/img] Abilities: Ice Mine: Mark the ground with a glyph that takes a short time to prime. Once it is ready, it will freeze the first target to step on it. Blizzard: Summon a freezing blizzard to chill and damage enemies caught in the area. Fade Shield: Draws back the energy released by enemies in attacks against them. Any successful attack strengthens the barrier. The more damage done, the more powerful the barrier grows.  Spirit Blade: Creates a blade of solid magic to make melee attacks against nearby enemies. Oak Felling Blade: Talon channels his indomitable spirit into his Spirit Blade and creates a massive two handed blade. Can knock groups of enemies to the ground but deals minimal damage unless used against a single foe. Personality: Bright and kind. Nothing in his life had beaten the warmth from his smile yet and it didn't seem like anything ever would. The only time the Elf ever seemed to lose his smile was when he was hard at the task of eliminating his enemies, especially the dark spawn. He is cold and collect then, much how one would imagine the old world elves holding themselves when they first fought the darkspawn. The group of circle mages he had been brought up around were almost entirely men, as such he hasn't the first clue on how to interact with women. It can be quite the spectacle. History: You would never know that Talon had spent his childhood in an alienage. He had been an unrelenting ray of light up until he had begun to show signs that he could connect to the fade. Even when one of his own kind had sold him out to the city guard for food and he had been torn from the arms of his parents to be taken to the Circle; he kept his head up. He called reassurances back to the both of them and promised he would earn his freedom and see them again. The last image he held in his mind of them was his father holding his hysterical mother. His promise and that image are what kept the fire stoked within his heart as an adult. He had completed one of the fastest Harrowings ever recorded, so much so that he was nearly judged a demon himself. He worked hard as a Circle mage and drank up all of the knowledge that was put before him. He accumulated more and more favor in the eyes of his superiors and quickly became one of the highest held among the fledgling mages. Unfortunately, any ranking or standing he had been able to earn was all for not. The circle was no more and, at first, he thought he'd just make his way home to see his parents for the first time in many, many years. Sadly, They had both passed some years before and the elven man now felt quite lost. He had always driven himself to be the best so that he may see them again one day but the dream had been hallow for so long. He needed guidance, and something to fill the hole that his deceased parents had left in him. He remembered hearing of elven apostates, Dalish if he remembered right. They would create small settlements out in the deep wood and some of them were said to be quite powerful mages. He had spent months looking for a settlement that would take him in, the first few couldn't get passed the fact that he had been raised in the Circle for so long. One day he caught a break and found group of Dalish that had already taken in a small band of prior circle mages. They took him in and this is where he had been spending the last few years, learning everything the Dalish would teach him and wondering where life might take him next. He didn't have to wonder long There had been a man, a human, that would trade with them quite frequently. He was obviously some kind military deserter. He always had the most interesting news to share with their small group and his prices were beyond fair, so they welcomed him for bartering above any else. One day he had come to them with that special light in his eyes that Talon had learned to be a sign of particularly interesting news. As it turned out there was an immense army gathering and the divine her self was searching for a talented few to organize into some sort of forward party. This was his chance A chance to finally, truly, prove to the world that what he had learned wasn't just book knowledge or private practice. A chance to make serious change to the ever darkening land. This could be his time to [i]really[/i] make a difference in the world as a whole. Sure, the Dalish had so much to teach him yet, but this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up. He gave up everything he had and made his way that next morning. [/hider] Dragon Age wiki was fighting me QQ hopefully this makes some sort of sense...