There we go. I trust the finished product leaves nothing to be desired? [hider=Killian] [b]Name:[/b] Killian Tavus [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class/Sub-class:[/b] Mage/Blood Mage [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Abilities:[/b][list] [*][b]Flashfire[/b] - Killian casts a fireball from his hand which burns his enemy and may send them into a panic. [*][b]Immolate[/b] - Killian unleashes a blast of fire around himself to burn and drive back enemies that get too close or attempt to surround him. [*][b]Blood Magic[/b] - Killian is able to tap into the power of life-blood itself, either by calling on the blood of his enemies or by cutting open his own veins to access his own blood. In doing so he is able to strengthen his magic, continue fighting when his mana is expended, and use powerful abilities restricted to the Maleficar arts. [*][b]Blood Boil[/b] - Killian boils the blood in his enemy's veins, causing intense pain and leaving them unable to take any action. Weaker or wounded enemies may even die outright as their hearts give out. [*][b]Blood Slave[/b] - Killian subjugates the mind of a weak willed enemy forcing obedience and absolute loyalty. Outside of combat the spell may last indefinitely, until Killian ends it himself, the victim expires, or Killian is distracted by fighting. In combat the concentration required to enslave a mind and not get his head chopped off means he can only maintain control for limited amounts of time. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Killian is best described as a Cynical Altruist. He wants to do good, but accepts that sometimes evil must be fought with evil. It was a hard lesson to learn and not one he enjoyed learning, but if he wasn't willing to get his hands dirty every now and then, he knows that he would have been crushed by his rivals long ago. [b]History:[/b] Born an Altus of the Tevinter Empire, and son of a high ranking Magister no less, Killian spent his childhood living in comfort and training under the best tutors to master his Magical gift when it arose. During his young adolescence he became friendly and quite enamoured with a young Elven slave girl that served his family, and as time passed it became clear she returned his affections. The girl was a kitchen slave, barely fit to scrub dishes as far the Imperium was concerned but to Killian she was a princess. As the sole heir of a Magister, Killian wielded some power within the household and he used as much of it as he dared to ensure his love was treated well, for a slave, and that he could see her as much as possible. Then when Killian was seventeen his Elven lover fell pregnant and his father became aware of the relationship. While the odd trist with a comely slave was nothing to be ashamed of in Tevinter, Killian's father was not about to have his first grandchild be a half-blood brat born to a knife-eared slave. That evening Killian was called to his father's study where he found his father and his love waiting. The young woman was in chains and, after paralyzing Killian with blood magic, he made Killian watch as he killed both the girl and their unborn child. In rage and despair, Killian called upon the teachings blood magic he'd been reluctantly learning and broke his father's hold, he then empowered himself with blood of his slain love and unleashed his wrath on his father, leaving nothing but a bloody smear behind. Authorities came to the conclusion that Killian's father had been assassinated by one of his rivals. Who would believe that a young fledgling such as Killian could have succeeded in such a task. As a result Killian's crime went unpunished and he succeeded his father as the youngest member of the Magisterium. Many saw Killian as easy prey but he had learned a powerful lesson in his father's study: That he must be willing to go to any lengths to protect what he cared about. For two years Killian's cunning and ruthlessness allowed him to survive the politics of the Magisterium, during which time he perfected his use of Blood Magic, though he refrained from using unwilling blood sacrifices, unless it was the blood of his enemies. Killian was lucky enough to be away from Minrathous, visiting one of his Family's holdings in the south of the Imperium, when the earthquakes buried the capital and the darkspawn invasion began. He fled to Nevarra with the other refugees before turning his gaze back to north, burning with desire to avenge his homeland.[/hider]