[center][h2]Mitis Forest-Forest Showdown[/h2][/center] [center][@Lmpkio][@Zorogami][@rivaan][/center] Wrath was starting to wonder if he'd gone the right direction when he heard the sound of conversation ahead. [color=FireBrick][i]Finally, something other than demons! Well, probably more demons, but I recognize one of those voices.[/i][/color] He'd heard Kosara's voice sound off a few times, and it sounded like she was arguing with someone. He picked up the pace a little, now moving at a slight job, which only grew to a run when he heard a pair of explosions go off right before he actually entered the clearing. Upon entrance, he took a second to take it all in. The cyborg was aiming at a demoness who Wrath could only assume was the target, Gorgon, as he recognized the half-demon from Barlour before he'd taken off. Realizing that the pair had intentions to leave and having heard Gorgon turn down the invitation to join the Council, Wrath unleashed an Earth Render that cut off the retreating Gorgon before stepping into the clearing itself, Rage Bringer resting over his shoulder. [color=FireBrick]"Miss Gorgon, I strongly suggest that you reconsider. The Charred Council is the highest authority and power within reality as we know it. If you don't join us, it's our job to see your existence comes to an end here. Oh, and you,"[/color] he points at the half-demon from Barlour, [color=FireBrick]"that invitation is extended to you as well, though if you're here as a rep for Mundus, I suppose changing sides isn't on your to-do list, is it?"[/color] And then he waited, watching the demon and half-demon equally.