[@Mahz] A feature to [b]create your own Folders[/b] would be much appreciated, too. My Inbox, Starred, Archive and Trash are all over the place. //whizzing Or [b]sub-folders[/b] - that works too. Basically just something where I can flick a mail to a folder that decides for me if it's worth to constantly check. :hehe I'm not whining in any way in regards to receiving PMs, but I have a hard time motivating myself to reply to PMs when the first thing I see entering the Inbox is several pages of assorted PMs. :newlol Pretty sure some people think I flaked on them or snubbed them for a chat due to my forgetting to delve and search for their mails. (I put the 'pro' in procrastination, so huge to-reply lists daunt me. :lol)