The walk through the crypt was almost like walking down the street of any city, if not for the occasional repulsive smell it felt like it'd been one of the first opportunities Akira and Allura had just to talk with one another. However the mood would soon be dampened as the exit came within view. The sound echo'd towards them and only became more clear as the got closer, it was still raining. Akira felt as dejected as Allura appeared as she had turned to him to ask his opinion. Akira leant against the wall as he gazed up the stairway before them, greeted by nothing but darkness from the clouds that blocked out the skies rays of light. With a sigh of disappointment he looked back to Allura. "Well... we could wait it out. Or..." Before Akira could continue there was a sudden flash of light before the skies would roar with all its might. Had Allura been looking at the time she might make out the silhouettes of the pair that awaited them at the top. [color=39b54a]"Or you can come up here and we can talk [i]Akira[/i]."[/color] A voice called out loudly so as not to have his voice muffled by the storm. Upon hearing the voice and recognising it Akira wasted no time as he detached his crossbow from his belt and fired the loaded weapon up the opening. There was then nothing, no sound of the bolt finding a target. [color=39b54a]"See, demon through and through I sully my good friends name on you Volkran and you respond with violence. Can you not be civil for even a moment."[/color] The crossbow bolt had landed with a quiet clap towards the bottom of the steps. "What do you want?!" Akira snapped as he yelled back. [color=39b54a]"To talk! Preferably where you can't make another bloody cheap shot!"[/color] Akira looked to Allura and shook his head. [color=39b54a]"Allura, if that's you down there I implore you to come up here where it's safe. I'm sure you're more than aware that there's another down there that'd more then willingly slit your throat to get that demon out of here!"[/color] "Like I'd let that happen!" [color=39b54a]"He has you, where he wants you Volkran. He wants destruction and you're his key. Allura... please."[/color] Akira looks to Allura once more trying to gauge her thoughts as he reloads his crossbow. More then willing to make another shot if he had to.