Mary nodded as the others heeded her (well, technically Souta's) suggestion and armed themselves. Mary pulled out her pistol, while still holding the tablet in her right hand, and made her way to the skylight indentation. While she was up there, Akoni brought up an interesting theory. She was unsure if it was right, but it wasn't entirely without merit. They would have to scour the books for info on who actually inhabited this place before it was abandoned. Once Mary placed the sun tablet, a brilliant magic mechanism lit up the room, with both the floor and walls being filled with light blue lines. Mary almost gasped at the beauty, but got a hold of herself and calmed down. She gazed down the hallway like all the others. It was odd, seeing the place so tidy after all the books had been strewn about haphazardly. They had all probably found who had done the strewing though. A figure stood, silently, at the far end of the hall. Mary gripped her gun tighter. It seemed they had been right to arm themselves. There was someone in here with them. She stepped closer with them. Then, she saw who it was. [color=f6989d]"Sevrin..."[/color] The girl growled at the realization. He was the one responsible for the destruction of the second seal, and the current wielder of the Yamato. She just barely stopped herself from rushing at him. Her fear and rage bubbling incessantly, she completely ignored his comment about the librarian and simply gave him a death gaze that would kill any normal man. Akoni asked an odd question, and before Sevrin could respond, Mary answered for him. [color=f6989d]"That's not your Sevrin. It's a demon crawling around in his skin. We should slaughter him where he stands."[/color] She commanded. She put her pistol away, and took out the thick blade of the Burial Suit instead. Even if he had the Yamato, there was surely a way to beat him if all five of them worked together. They needed to. This demon needed to die.