[h2]The Story thus Far[/h2] The world we know today is gone, destroyed by mankind and rebuilt by the same. Technology has advanced since what was known as the warrior age, the age getting its name due to the war that broke out which left civilization destroyed and governments crushed. Today, in the present, we are in the age known as the musical age. Governments are controlled by music companies, much in the way that someone would pay the mob for protection. The government still has control over civilians, but it no longer has any authority to declare war. That is for the music companies to decide, the battles taking place in designated arenas that are built to withstand the power of the Omega amp. The Ω (Omega) Amp is a device that attaches to a performer's body and harnesses the power of their music, converting the sound into hard light constructs. (Clearly the minds behind it were inspired by Scott Pilgrim vs. The World!) They discovered that indeed the concept was less barbaric than the warrior age, not to mention there were some born with more musical talent than others. The Music Industry funded the project, and soon enough the Omega Amp was born. Governments were afraid to oppose the musical industries, so they decided to give in and let them take over the concept of battle. After all, it meant less heat on them if things went wrong. Countries fell one by one each and every day, succumbing to each genre of music and the musical industries behind them, such as Metal, Country, Hip Hop, Classical, etc. For a time though even after the musical industries took over the world was in turmoil, as the Genres and their Label Armies (more like squads, or bands, really) vied for complete supremacy. But one Label sought to change that; the people behind Locksley Records remembered what it was like before the great Dividing. It was a world where genres not only coexisted, but could harmonize with one another, and combine their styles to create greater and more beautiful things. The people behind Locksley Records wanted to bring that time back, not the barbaric impulses but the way people could enjoy not just one genre but many. They scoured the world for the best and the brightest musicians, artists, and dreamers, and have brought those people together to create the band, Collaboration. Though one band, Dark Shadows, stands in their way. Created by Illumos Records, they act as the Black Ops Enforcers of the world. Under contract by the Genres, they take out every one who opposes them. They are strong, stronger than most, and Collaboration is their next target. The battle is one for the ages, an event so talked about that you can't go anywhere without hearing about it. Collaboration has already won numerous victories in their quest for world unity. Consequently, the Genres see them as a threat. Dark Shadows isn't willing to back down, even though they don't have a choice. They are the final boss, the end game for Collaboration. As a member of Collaboration, it will be up to you to use your expertise, musical skills, and imagination to defeat the champions of the Genres and reunite the world in perfect harmony! Do you have what it takes? [hr] [h3]Here are the rules![/h3] 1) All RPG rules still apply here. 2) [@Lady of Mist] is my co-GM. When I’m not around, what she says goes. 3) Related to the above point, please keep fighting to a minimum in the OOC. If there is a disagreement, let’s talk it out. I’m open to all ideas, questions, and suggestions. 4) Although super powers are involved, to an extent, please don’t be [i]over[/i]powered. Use your best judgement. 5) Romance is encouraged, but keep it PG-13. If you want to take it to PMs, I’m not going to fight you. 6) I’m not a stickler for a certain number of lines per post, or a particular post order, but please, no one-liners, and while I don’t mind people posting back-to-back (especially if nothing is happening at the moment), please don’t turn things into the “Your Character and This other Character Show”. Again, use your best judgement. 7) You may have as many characters as you feel comfortable controlling. 8) Be active. 9) Have fun! This is mandatory. Those of you who are found to not be having fun will be reported to the mods and unfriended on SnapFaceSpaceTinder. :P [hr] [h3]The Character Sheet![/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Sex:[/b] [b]Physical Description:[/b] (Pics are okay. Anime is preferred, but any will do.) [b]Genre:[/b] (Fusions are okay, too.) [b]Instrument:[/b] [b]Short Backstory:[/b]