"Did you order an invasion with UKDs?". Demanded Tess, her voice shaking despite the bite in it. "No. I don't think so. So don't you dare come apologizing for what they did and acting like I need coddling. I don't fucking need coddling! I, I just need,". Her voice broke and Tess cursed at her own lack of control. She just wanted to be angry, so why was she crying again? "I don't need coddling I just need something to do.". She managed finally, standing up straight now and nodding in agreement with herself. Marcus watched the encounter between Tess and Richard as Rin spoke, to dar away to hear them but guessing what transpired. "Doesn't matter how the civis are, long as they can walk.". He said finally, the pragmatic tone and logical mind set taking over. "We need to know where we are, and where the closest transportation is. A bunker out here would be nice but it'll just be a nice place to starve in, looked like that force was coming in for the long haul. We need Rich and Tess up and running though, this isn't the time to act like hormonal idiots.". With thay said he slung his gun over his shoulder by the strap and started over to where The others were, intending to talk to them.