Richard clinched his jaw as he heard Tess spew out the words. [i]No, but I treated you and Casper like shit.[/i] He thought but knew it wasn't what he should say to her. At this point he realized that he shouldn't have said anything at all to her, that he should just leave her alone. As much as it hurt to do so he simply walked away. Quiet, and relatively calm, on the outsidebut screaming on the inside. He started back to where he was before. Crossing her arms she started bitting at the inside of her lip to try and keep quiet. She didn't completely agree with Marcus. Granted they couldn't sit down and have a therapy session with the civilians but more than just their physical health was important. For one thing a calm and trusting group would be easier to protect and lead, but for another these were humans, not just livestock. If you view them that way then your no better than the UKD. This wasn't a point that should be argued at the moment though. As for Tess and Richard, that was something she would put some input in on. Catching up to him she came along side him, slightly behind. "They aren't being hormonal idiots, they're hurting and scared just like we are. But they show it differently." she said as quietly as she could. "Give them some credit, they've held it together this long." she concluded.