I sometimes raise points in regards to things I've seen escalate into full-blown fights in the past, and refer to arguments seen therein rather than my own particular opinions (agender people can be just as "unchill" as any other group that feels they've been alienated, I can tell you that much ... there certainly are individuals who want it to be abundantly clear they're neither, and then there are those who say these who are strictly neither are gender[i]less[/i] rather than agender, and...). Generally, I've also thought about the matter long enough to try and offer some kind of solution that seems most reasonable or logical to me. You can't appeal to everyone, but if there is a very easy way to be close to all-inclusive without generating clutter, then why not be so? My general principle is "let user do whatever they want (as long as it doesn't break the law or roll over others), force them to do as little as possible". Not that I cannot be nitpicky on my own behalf every now and then - I tend to be rather particular about my language here and there, for instance, and if something just happens to be one of those colors that'll hurt my eyes, I'll probably point that out, too. And no, I don't have a "tone of questioning"... Unless I'm joking, all text of mine should be read deadpan. (And people often have a hard time telling if I'm joking.) I'm also tired, which doesn't exactly help my, eh, self-comprehension? (Addendum: I also don't imply things. If I actually thought something, it'd be spelled out in no uncertain terms.)