[center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/dbbfc70f736fad3afa851fe80f7e3876.png [/img][/center] [u][b]Premise;[/b][/u] The world is a vast and a often hostile place, from the steppes of the Vuc to the Barren norths of the Daen and down to the southern shores of the Green Sea. All with its own distinctive cultures. All with their tribes, kings, thiefdoms and struggling would be powers. The world is full wonder both gorgous and ferocius, from the steppes giant wolves, to the strange beasts that drink human blood and take the shape of other people to the majestic Thunderbirds in the north. Each region its own wonder, and each culture with its own myths, legends and customs. But all these are under threat, from each others ambitions, and more recently, from the warmachine in the East. Becouse there Island kingdom with imperial aspirations. Known once as the Golden Islands and ruled by the Golden Emperor, descendent of the Islands gods themselves. The country is home to a longstanding tradition of war and honor, the way of the warrior; Bushido. This juggernaut of a Country has begun to cast its shadow across the world, even as inner Turmoil threatens to tear the giant apart. Becouse not everyone is partial to the Shogun and the Emperors plans to conqour the world. Especially when his own people are starving and dying to the pollution of his machines. In the shadows, voices of discontent are being heard,. In the forests and the mountains, the outcasts and disenfranchised farmers gather. A storm is brewing. as men and women plot his downfall. The Shogun must be stopped, even if they have kill the Emperor to achive it... With all these volitile elements in play, things are about to change in the Empire of the Golden Islands. And in the middle of this storm a few fated individuals shall witness and shape history first hands. [h1]The World of Iron Shogun[/h1] [color=ed1c24][b]A dying Empire; The Blood Lotus disease and The Iron Shogun.[/b][/color] The thing that enables the Shoguns army to wield such weaponry as there mechanized samurai suits and flying ships is the Blood Lotus. A seemingly magical plant that when burned produces immense amounts of energy. But it has a massive draw back, the unsettling plant grows like a cancer, killing all wildlife around it and spreading. It's fumes are poison and it seems to that even the sunlight that filters trough it is effected. The Golden Islands sun glows bright red in the sky and the fumes of the Lotus perminates and poison the city air, causing Red Longue, a gradual, fatal disease that clouds the mind and slowly destroys your respitory system, it kills slowly, and you can go a year or two before the coughing starts. But since it feeds the Shoguns warmachines, it will continue to grow. A warnmachine that in turn feed the nation with new slaves to work those fields and territory for them to turn into more lotus fields. Another use for the accursed plant is to make opiats from it. The abuse of this drug is widespread, as it is the only escape many have from the stress of the cities . [h2][i][b][u]Of Empires and Men; A Guide to the Mayor Empires and Clans. [/u][/b][/i][/h2] Map of the Relavant Nations/Empires involved. The unnamed western countries are of no great importance to the conflict. [hider=MAP] [img]http://i.imgur.com/72cKFnA.png[/img] [/hider] [h3][color=aba000][i][u][b]The Golden Isles[/b][/u][/i][/color][/h3] The Empire spans across the easternmost continent that is known as Cou, claiming not only its original 11 islands, but also half of the former Zei Dynasty on the mainland. Several Islands to the north are also included in the Empire, these are mainly strategic but sparsely populated The Shogun runs a tight ship, his armies have been at war with his neigbours since he took the seat of power 11 years ago. The only thing keeping him from overruning the Zei with his advanced army is the western powers backing the Zei since three years back. Afraid that the Empire is gonna consolidate a proper foothold, and exploit the resource rich Zei provinces to make the warmachine truly monsterous, the so called Round Eyes or Gaijin have provided the Zei with thunderships and other advanced technology. The country itself is ruled by Akira Ryu, the Iron Shogun. Called as such for revolutionizing the nation from a agricultural, rural nation to a industrial, densly populated one. The shogun has ambitions of Dominance, having led the conquest of the nearby Daiymos and their lands. But his nickname also refers to his reign of fear and absolute dominance. Under him more atrocities have been commited then under the last three rulers combined. His Iron Samurai, Noble warriors wearing 7 foot, exhaust spewing sets of steampowered armorsuits. These monstrosities are exclusively used by the ruling class and their closest followers and they use them to put down malcontent and raised voices with extreme impunity. The Shogun does not rule alone however, underhim are warlords, so called Daiymos, who swear their fealty to him, even if they all have their own personal agendas. These men and women represent the major clans of the land; The Crane, The Fox, The Pheonix, The Bear, The Snake, The Dragon, The Tiger and The Turtle. One clan still exist that has no Daiymo, the Badger Clan, but they are all but extinct, reduced into banditry and masterless Ronin. Internally, The Shogun have spent his entire life consolidating his power, including almost wiping out one of the Major clans for opposing him. His mother, the only heir of the Pheonix clan just passed away, making him the sole heir to both her clan and his fathers Dragon clan. The iron shogun is known as extremly cold and impassionate towards his own people. During his time, people have suffered both shortage of food and decreasing health. His thirst for power knows no bound however. He raised the allready privilaged elite to even further heights, where the most loyal have been given large swathes of land both at home and in conquered territories. The code of bushido is held dearer then their own lives, Honor in Loyalty and Servitude. To live by the sword, to die by it is the greatest honor. It should be noted that withing Akira Ryus rule, female samurai are uncommon but not unheard of. Women who take the ”Top Knot” ( a hairstyle) are treated with the same respect as their male compatriots. This becouse the early stages of the war in Zei and the Shoguns own purge of the military ranks saw many male Generals and officers die. It was only after a female Tactician, the daughter of the Fox Daiymo, stepped in that the initial stage of the Invasion succeded. The shogun, impressed, allowed females into his army, breaking a long and deeply rooted tradition.They still had to pass the same training as their male counterparts. But 8 years later, there are more then a few of them. By commoners, these women are knows as Bushi-Onna. The Empire is split up in provinces that are vassals under one of the 8 Daiymos, and a small part is inoffically under the sway of the disgraced Badger Clan. [h3][u][b]The Clans of the Empire[/b][/u][/h3] [color=39b54a][b]Orochi (Snake Clan)[/b][/color] [b]"A snake hides in the grass only to strike."[/b] [b]Daiymo:[/b] Haku Orochi [hider=My Hider] The Serpant Clan occupy the Easternmost provinces. They are a clan known for their subterfuge first and they have the Shoguns ear to a worrying extent. The Clan is having something of a Yokai problem however, a resurected and angry Empress of Serpants, wishes to claim vegence upon the Orochi for their part in her initial death. Her advance is slow and ineffective however and the Serpent clan has succesfully defended themselves so far. Spirit Touched withing the clan are almost always forced into service as a ”Kage”, a shadowy agent for the clan and by extension: The Shogun. Due to the their history with the Crane, the two constantly engage in skirmishes. Their Clan weapon is the Tanto. [/hider] [b]Muhina (Badger Clan)[/b] [i]"The badger bites and never give let go. And neither shall we."[/i] [b]Daiymo:[/b] None [hider=My Hider] The Badger clan has no Daiymo after the Shoguns brutal executions, and the clan has lost most of its territories to the Tiger clan. They were once known as stalwart warriors and loyal retainers to the Pheonix Shogun who's brother was the Badgers daiymo. Upon losing their status as reteiners, they tried to save the hostage heir to the Pheonix clan and failed. As a result they are know adrift, without a region to really call their own. They are known for their incredible resiliance and their ability to hold on despite any missfortune. Despite being disgraced, even the Tigers still have considerable respect for their hardy nature and martial prowess. Spirit Touched are held in high esteem by them, and often given protection from the Shoguns agents. Their Clan weapon is the Tetsubo (Iron Club). [/hider] [b][color=a36209]Kuma (Bear Clan)[/color][/b] [i]"Rend them asunder."[/i] [b]Daiymo;[/b] Kurihito Kuma [hider=My Hider] The Bear Clan hold a small set of provinces on their ancestral islands. They they are known as great, honorable warriors, having Produces the greatests general of this era. They are physically, the most imposing of all the clans, as their warriors are well over the average heigh and built like no others. Their Clan weapon is the Ono (Axe). [/hider] [color=fff200][b]Tora (Tiger Clan.)[/b][/color] [i]Honor trough martial provess. Glory trough servitude.[/i] [b]Daiymo;[/b] Akiho Tora [hider=My Hider] The Tigers hold the biggest swathe of conquered territory, even more then the Shoguns own clan, The Dragon. The Tiger Clan are known as the elite of the elite. Their warriors are the best equipped, their training the most hardy and exhausting, their instincts for battle second to none.Tiger Samurai are the only none Dragon clansmen to be part of the Shoguns honary guard. They are by far the Dragon clan and the Shoguns closest allies and a force to be feared. Akiho, their Daiymo, is approaching his 60's and suffers Spirit Touched are always made to serve their military in one way or another. It's seen as a great blessing. Their Clan Weapon is the Daikatana [/hider] [b]Hou-Ho[/b] (Pheonix Clan) [i]"We Die. We Rise. We will Rise again."[/i] [b]Daiymo;[/b] Kai Hou-Ho [hider=My Hider] The firebird crest might aswell be that of a dragon at this point. The familys heir was married to the current Shoguns father, after the old Daiymo died and his only heir, a girl, was ”taken in” by the Dragon Daiymo. Out Manouvered by the dragons, the Pheonix clan who were the former rulers of the Golden Isles, found themselves with little option but to work with the Dragon. This after their reteiners, the Badger clan had tried to free the girl trough violence and cunning, ending up almost entirely wiped out. They did not wish to go down the same road as their loyal retainers and surrendered to the Dragons demands. To the Pheonix, the spirit touched are somewhat a risk, due the voletile nature of the Pheonix spirit. Their clan weapon is the Omi-Yari (Giant spear) [/hider] [color=fdc68a][b]Tanchōzuru. Crane Clan[/b][/color] [i]"Poise, Elegance and Honor, The Crane flies above and all is beneath us."[/i] [b]Daiymo;[/b] Yue Ishimoto [hider=My Hider] The crane clan has always stayed relavant, regardless of the ruling dynasty. The crane sits on the most coastal regions f all clans and they have always run the royal mint. The Crane is known for their courtly intrigues, their extremely talented artificers and their trade. They have always been rivals to the Serpent clan, their two clans having fought eachother countless of times, for as long as any can remember. The story is rooted in the very birth of the Shogunate. When the Serpent clan formed, the Crane claimed part of what would be their territory as their own reward for helping the first Shogun win his throne. To this day, the Orochi feel betrayed and dishonored. Yue, the current Daiymo, is the Clans first female leader. Having established the Crane as a clan loyal to the current shogun, they provide the Shugunate most of their articifers for a hefty sum. The crane views the Spirit Touched as ailing and send them to serve the shogun rather then to deal with them theirselves. Their clan weapon is the Gunbai (Iron Fan) [/hider] [color=82ca9d][b]Kame (Turtle Clan)[/b][/color] [i]"We were the first. We will be the last."[/i] [b]Daiymo:[/b] Gin Kame [hider=My Hider] This old clan has it's root back when the 11 isles was only 7 and the man who would become the first Shogun, Akiho Kame, sailed from island to island with his great armada. He would rally other clans, still in their infancy, to heed his call to arms. The four clans of Pheonix, Dragon, Fox and Turtle then set off towards the island of Ishi. The Island was held by the Empress of Serpents Raya-Naga, and she held its populace as slaves. After 11 nights and 12 days of bloody fighting, it was old man Akiho who would deal the Empress the deathblow, aided by a youngster who was from the island meager free men, thus freeing Ishi from Empress grip. That youngster was named Mitsudo, and due to his clever and calm nature aswell as becouse of his part of defeating the Naga-Raja, he became known as Mitsudo Orochi, head of the Serpent clan. Kage himself became reknown for his skills in battle and his wisdom as a leader. And the other swore fealty to him as he raised the dead queens head. Thus was the first Shogun born. Spirit touched of Turtle Clan enjoy a relative normal life. Although those with the shell Aspect are sought after for the defense of the territories. Their clan weapon is the Naginata [/hider] [color=f26522][b]Kitsune: Fox Clan[/b][/color] [i]"Wit and cunning. Guile and Intelligence. We survive, we persevere, we take what is ours."[/i] [b]Daiymo:[/b] Aiesha Kitsune [hider=My Hider] Tricksters, thieves, Survivalists. The Fox clan see to their own and nobody else. Their leader is known as the Great Blue Fox, the most powerfull Animal whisper to ever live. Spirit Touched, she has the ability to hear and speak with animals and beasts. And she has tamed creatures no one like her have ever dared approach. Some claim her not human at all, but the very incarnation of the clans mythical Kitsune. The clan have existed as long as the Kage, yet never have a fox sat on the throne. The Fox clan does not desire the throne however. They are the most isolated, and the least controlled of the shoguns Daiymos. The Tiger clan, being a relatively new clan, hold them in outhermost disdain, finding them dishonest and vile. Spirit Touched are considered blessed, and given very good treatement by the Fox's followers. Their clan weapon is the Kusarigame (Chain and Sickle) [/hider] [color=004b80][b]Ryu: Dragon clan[/b][/color] [i]"The Dragons Roar makes the world kneel."[/i] [hider=Dragon] The Dragons are the rulers for the past 70 years. Having seized power from the Pheonix, and married the clans together, the Dragons boost the largest military force of any of the warlords. Under their guidence, the country has turned into a ironclad, dirty machine that wages a war of conquest nobody has ever seen the like of before. They rule with fear and blackmail, deception and force. Their Daiymo, the Shogun Akira, is a powermad, military Genius. He has turned the blood lotus crop into his trumphcard, and expanded the kingdom into a Empire. His ambitions are only matched by his cruelty, and the Dragon Clan backs him with Iron Samurai and warships to realize his visions. Their clan Weapon is the Katana. [/hider] …........ [H1]The lands outside the Empire[/H1] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VdPOzsv.png[/img][/center] [h2][b][color=39b54a]Zei Dynasty.[/color][/b][/h2] [i]"Once there stood a empire, stretching from the East to the West. We called it the Zei-Shau-Laou. It was a place of scholars and monks. Here we progressed, we improved both the soul and the material. But then the Islanders came, and scholars and monks became warriors. Pens became sword and prayer became battle cry. We, The Zei, will never fall."[/i] Great Emperor Yu QuiLang, 5 years post invasion. [b]Leader:[/b] Emperor Yu QuiLang On the Kasai continent, the main power used to be the Zei Dynasty. In some ways they still are, but they are hardpressed by the Golden Isles and their invading forces. Having lost most of their eastern coast to the invaders, with the Shoguns forces having made large inroads into the country and wrestled control of a number of stragicially important cities, among those the eastern capital of Jī Qíng. The tide has turned somewhat however, with the Western Alliance having entered the war on the Zei's side. The Wests so called iron throwers, weapons capable of shooting iron bullets at high speeds, have proven a well needed edge against the enemy. The Zei are known for their tacticians, art and mysticism. While they possess no Yokai-born of their own, their mysticists however, know how to imbue living souls into clockwork soldiers far more sturdy then your average soldier. Other sects seem to focus on harnessing elements to forge powerfull blades and potent ammunition. The Average Zeian is slightly taller then a Islander, with a somewhat more tanned complexion. East Zeians are very proud of their cultural heritage and have made life difficult for the occupying forces. Not everyone is a resistance member however, and there even those that have cozied up to the Shogun. Among these are the Bao Mei family, who have been made the puppets of the Tiger Clan General who took Ji Qing. Due to the prolonged occupation, Zeians have found their way to the Golden Isles. Mainly Crane territory. [color=0072bc][h2][b]The Vuc Horde.[/b][/h2][/color] [i]"We are the river, we are the sea. We are the water you drink, the rain that falls upon your skin. We are the light in the sky, we are the fire in your hearth. We are the Turmoil sea and the exploding mountain top. We are Life and we are destruction. We are change and we are inevitable. We come by sea and we come by land. One millions hooves, one thusand sails. Rattle your spears, draws your blades. Beat your shields, knock your arrows. It will not matter. The Vucca horde will ride you down. "[/i] [b]Leader[/b]: Wolflord B'teng. The Vuc are nomadic people that comes from steppes farther west but who claim a territory of land that stretches from the north east coast to the borders of Western Alliance territory. The Vuc are a real threat to the Shugunates domination of the mainland as their wolf rider are the fiercest, most mobile cavalry on the continent. Even with their machines, the warmachine of the Golden Isles has problem staving off the raids on their supply lines and softer targets. And the The northern coast holds Vuxao, the capital of the Vucca horde. The Vucca may foremost be a nomadic people, but the City of Vuxao is a near inpenetrable fortress and also acts like a staging post for Vucca sea raids. A Vuc stands generally somewhere around 5'8, regardless of gender, and built like a small ox musclewise. [center] [H2][b]Western Alliance;[/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/zNFZ7Fw.png[/img][/center] The biggest thorn in the Shoguns grand plan for dominance is the western alliance. Where the Zei have the numbers to put up a pretty good fight on their own, it was western cannons and iron throwers that turned the tide. Having no lotus of their own, they have instead tamed the power of gunpowder and combustion. Their cannons are capable of bombarding with much more accurcy and range then any of the Shoguns siege engines, and their iron throwers make even a army of peasants a threat. Of course, the Shogun still has Iron samurai, whos massive armor can withstand the rudimentary firearms fairly well, and Airships who can drop fire upon entrenched cannons. If only blackpowder was the only strength of the West. But the Western Alliance is a motley crew of kingdoms and fledgling republics joining towards a common threat. The main nations are three however, strong in their own right. [i][b]Prosgard[/b][/i] [i]"For the King, For the Five Cities, For Prosgard"[/i] The head of the Alliance are the Prosgard, who pushed for its creation when the Shogun restricted trade in Zei waters. They immedietly began setting up supply routes to Zei's western theatre and supplied at first only food and materials, but would later join in with experts to traind the Zei forces in firearms. Prosgards have no Yokai-born, and hardly any mystics or magicians of note. They are very much about the science rather then the unatural. As of the Alliance creation, Prosgard soldiers have been seen fighting, often as officers for mixed WA batallions. Some Prosgard merchants did traverse the Islands prior to the Zei invasion and many find themselves stuck on the Isles. [i][b]Daen[/b][/i] [i]"The Skylord Comes and with him, the Eternal Storm"[/i] The Daen is the WA's answer to airships. The Daen are the only people crazy enough to try and tame thunderbirds. Their riders are the terror of the sky, and a single thunderbird spell doom and destruction for a illprepared Airship. On the flipside, a Thunderbird, while a mystical beast, is still a beast. It can be killed, and training them take longer then building a airship does. The Daen have their own version of Yokai-born aswell. Their spirit touched are called ”Sky Born” as they all have a affinity for the sky. They are able to the weather with pinpoint accuracy. There religion tells about a Eternal Storm that will sweep and drown all those of wicked heart. Their god is simply called the Skylord. The Daens skin is pale, their hair is generally red or blonde or light brown, and their eyes vary from blue to green to brown. [i][b]Belinti[/b][/i] "Coin is the most potent weapon, and our coffers are our armor." The Belinti are the WA's treasurers, their warcoffin and granmasters of the coin in general. The Belinty hold most of the Green Coast, a very profitable coastal line that holds the wests biggest harbors who trade with people from all the world. Belinti is a place where cultures merge and people of all races get together. There is a saying that ”The Avarage Belintian can have any skincolor or religion, but you bet whoever he is, he did your mother twice.” -- –- [H2]Technology[/H1] [i]The Artificers; [/i] Along with the rise of Steam and lotus powered ships, weapons and transportation, there came a need for skilled craftsmen who knew how to operate this extremely delicate technology. These are the Articifers, men and women of great dedication and skill. They practically live their entire life working on keeping the fleet afloat, the trains running and the factories going. Articifers hold status beyond that of most craftsmen as the Empire would collapse without them. [b]Empire Technology;[/b] The Shogunate posses a vast array of deadly and practical creations. Chief of these are the Airships. From Vast, floating fortresses that are slowly floated trough the use of lighter gasses, massive propellers, to quick hunter vessels meant to streak across the sky. Each takes a highly trained crew and artificers to keep it running. The IRon Samurai are the other big and uniquely Islander. A exosuit, powered by Lotus engines drive these heavily armored, lumbering sets of armored nightmare. [H2]The Gods, Magic and Monsters of the World.[/H1] [u][b]Spirits and Monsters and those caught in between. [/b][/u] But there is not only the malcontent that threaten to toss the country into chaos. Monsters, so called Yokai, have begun to roam In the east. The Empress of all Serpants have come to claim back her lands from the Serpent Clan. The shoguns own home provice is tormented by the attacks of an enraged dragon that has completely ruined the countryside. Priests and Shrine Maidens do their best to exorcise spirits and demons that appear by the dozens and oracles speak about a rift between this world and the next. A rift that leaks and pollutes our world with its spirits. Due to the this spirtitual polution, people have turned up who have a connection to the otherworld. These are called Yokai-Kin or Spirit Touched and are human, but their connection to their Clans orginal spirit is stronger then that of any normal person. Amongst the Foxes, you have people who can talk and control animals and the shogun himself is rumored to have a talent bestowed upon him by his Clans Dragon spirit. Yokai Kin are generally treated with suspicion, especially within the cities and the Shogun himself have imposed strict rules about them, Forcing all know Yokai Kin to join the military effort. Rural provinces have more of a connection to their roots, and knows the ”Spirt Touched” for what they are; Human beings like anyone else. [color=92278f][b]Yokai:[/b][/color] The Yokai are spirits, often classified as either Black, White or Grey. The grey Yokai are not benevolent or malichius. They are merely beasts or manifistetions of nature and the gods whims. These are the thunder tigers, fire monkeys and Windriders and others like them. White Yokai are magnificent, friendly and woefully absent in a world choking on blood lotus fumes. Among these are the Pheonix birds the most revered. Black Yokai are the opposite of white. They are creatures born of hatred and sorrow. Many, like the Oni, have ascended from the Underworld itself, to do the bidding of the Dark Mother. These plague the Islands with terror and death, having nothing but hatred for man. [color=fff200][b]Dragons:[/b][/color] Dragons are ancient beings that never stop growing, they are rare and come in many shapes and forms. The Isles used to have five dragons who terrorized the peasants from time to time. But toxic skies and sludgefilled waters coupled with the rise of more advanced weapons and techniques have killed all but one of them. The biggest, most powerfull of them has risen from its slumber after Dark Mother Cultists attacked it, drawing it's ire. Great Kuja is a massive creature, and as to date, nobody knows how to stop him. [u][b]The Faith and The Gods of the Golden Isles:[/b][/u] There are always religion where there is people. Dogma and rules governed by a alleged unseen, divine hand. The difference here is that remnants of the actual Gods can still be seen, the spawns of the Dark Mother actually roams the surface. The main religion of the Isles is not one of exclusion, their myths are vague when it comes to the outside world and so it's followers consider other peoples gods just as authentic, if not as powerfull as their own. There is a myriad of spiritual beings worshipped as gods on the Golden Isles, most of these are merely powerful, slumbering Yokai. There is a notion of a underworld or hell, called Yomi. It is where one of the major three now resides. But there a few beings who are considered actual gods, who have no been seen since the stories of old. Among these, three stand out the most. Ishi, the First Born. Izanami, The Dark Mother. And Yoko, The Lady. Ishi [hider=My Hider] The first diety to rise out the void, a being of unimaginable power and grace. According to the legends, Ishi was the very first thought the very cosmos itself uttered. With Ishi came imagination and concius thought, and the very universe trembled to form itself arorund his perception of all things. This is how the very world was created. But while the rest of the world was a by product, Ishi would sit down on the first of Golden Island, and make it his home. His Symbol is a Star with spear trough it. [/hider] [b]Izanami[/b] [hider=My Hider] The Second one rose from the Primordal sea, teaming with sea serpants and s other beings that have no been seen since. She was gorgous, a being of divine beuty. And Ishi fell in love at first sight, and would have nothing but the woman before him as his only love and wife. Izanami bid ishi to raise more of the world from the sea, becouse in her visions, she saw a race of small but clever creatures, who would inherit the world. She spoke of course of humanity. But as the Isles were created, they were still baren. And so Ishi and Izanami lay together, and from here sprang Yokai and Beasts. By now, across the oceans, other gods made their bid to create life of their own aswell. But none could match Izanamis spawn. But their love would not last. Becouse Izanami realized that mankind was not to be her creation, but that of another woman. One that would one day steal her husband from her. This thought drove her to madness, and she tried strangle Ishi. Ishi was helpless, weakened by the creation of the Isles. It was only after Yoko, the Lady, stabbed Izanami with a blade fresh from the forge, that the Dark Mother had to flee. She vanished into the cracks in the ground and hid herself in the underground. Her followers considers her equal to Ishi in every sense of the word, and see Yoko as a disgrace. They wish to be embraced by the Dark Mother and made into Yokai. Due to this, most of her sects are fantical suicide cults and her worship has been banned in the Empire. Her Symbol is a stylized, weeping woman. [/hider] [b]Yoko[/b] [hider=My Hider] As Ishi raised the Golden Isles, he found within a cascet of ice, a pale beuty. Yoko was her name and Ishi found her even more beutyful then Izanami. Yoko and Ishi would steal away in a chariot across the sky, and the fruit of their infidelity would be Mankind. When Izanami found out, she went mad and almost killed Ishi. But Yoko was the mother of mankind and all his inventions. And she drew a freshly forged blade from its fires, and sunk the still cooling blade trough her shoulder blade. The Dark Mother fled, but not after cursin the both. Yoko realized then that she had wronged Izanami to begin with, and as repentence she created the Moon, to give the children of the night a sun of their own. She then left with Ishi to his palace where she still tending to her wounds. Her Symbol is a broken blade. [/hider] Other Notable Dieties are [b]Hachi-Man, The God Of War[/b], [b]Enma-O The judge of the dead[/b] and the [b]Thunder and Lightning twins; Fujin and Rajin.[/b] [color=6ecff6][h3][b]Outsider gods and Mysticism.[/b][/h3][/color] Daen Shamanism There are a myriad of other gods out there, real or not is anyones guest. The on that is meantioned the most is the Daen god of thunder, Hogard or "Sky Lord". You can even find a small shrine to him next to Raijins in the capital, as he is the only god to really impress the Empires many priestesses and monks. The Daens ”Sky Born” are said to be of his blood. [b]Zaen Mysticicsm.[/b] Zaen believes in a pantheon of their own Gods. Among these Shang-Ti is the greatest, he is also known as Tian. He is believed to be the supreme god, and Zian scholars have argued that he was ”The Universe” that the Islanders god Ian was created by. Regardless, Zian have a long standing tradition of adapting and creating new gods, and their religion is hard to get a grasp of. Many local dieties have temples only in the one village. ...