Step 1: Character concept (I am going to use one of my characters I've been itching to play, but I will not have a GM PC for this game, nor will they appear as an NPC. This is just for example and nothing more.) The idea... I want a thief that poses as a magic user. This character really wants to become a magic user, but has never had luck to actually run across anything to actually learn magic. This gives me 2 things on the character sheet. [color=lime]Hopes and dreams: To become a master wizard some day.[/color] and also [color=lime]Character Sacrilege: Gaining powerful supernatural abilities[/color] (This would cause character exit rather than just a bigger and better hope or dream. Why would she keep searching and risking her life for something she already has. Also, this specific character would not really go any further, they would just sit and tinker with magic in a tower somewhere until the end of her days.)