[b]Vidori "Sellgun" Selgan[/b] Selgan wasted no time in getting up and heading out of the room himself, tipping a little salute in the general direction of the bounty hunters. "Welp, I'll see you boys on the ground." Walking briskly back to the hanger and his ship, he checked his account balance and verified that he was a thousand credits richer. Twenty thousand credits wasn't chickenfeed, but it also wasn't all that up there with a lot of his usual jobs either. But multiple targets, capturing all of them would add up to a nice tidy haul, and that wasn't counting potential added opportunities. And he probably had the edge on his competition too...as a predominantly human world, the two Rodians would stick out like sore thumbs on Corellia, and the Mandalorian even more so. The droid was an unknown, but shouldn't be too hard to spot. The wookie would be practically a beacon, no problems with keeping him under surveillance. Heck, he might even be able to hide a camera on it's fur. Powering up his ship, he took off out of the Avenger's hanger and entered hyperspace in seconds, bound for Corellia.