Sanguine's cheeks heated up a little again as Oliver put his arms around her. It almost felt like a fairy tale romance, them sitting in the carriage like that. She wanted to remain quiet for a bit, to enjoy the moment. Though instead he asked her about future plans. She chuckled at the way he asked though. Pinky and the Brain, it felt like ages ago since she had watched that on TV. "Funny you should put it like that. As that is exactly the plan. Today proved that we are very powerful even in this world. If not by defeating that small army, then by Bartholmew being so impressed by us. Plus we have quite the army at our disposal as well, combined with the undead I can now create on a seemingly permanent basis." She went silent for a bit, trying to collect her thoughts. Taking over the world was a big undertaking. Not something you'd just do without proper planning. "I'm not sure how hard it will be. But we're clearly stuck in this world." Not that Sanguine had a lot of incentive to leave. But it was true that they didn't have a choice in the matter the way things appeared right now. "And to be honest, I have fantasized about becoming a big powerful overlord once or twice..." She grinned a little. "It feels like we've been given the opportunity to do just that, even if it's for reasons we don't know." It was still a very odd idea. Sanguine felt both nervous and excited thinking about what the future might hold for them now. "Just two, as rulers of all these lands. Or at least of one of the kingdoms."