Just going to put this here, I have the sea zones for naval locations. Essentially, if you are in the same zone, you can take certain actions like combat and such. The zone splitting may appear bizarre and uneven, but remember that this is Mercator's Projection, so everything near the equator is scrunched up whilst the Antarctic Ocean (Southern Ocean) is zoomed far out of normal proportion. Here are the abbreviations that the sheet will use, and that you probably should too: ARB Arabian Sea ARG Argentine Coast BAF Baffin Bay BER Bering Sea BLK Black Sea BLT Baltic Sea BNG Bay of Bengal CAL Coast of California CHL Coast of Chile COR Coral Sea CRB Caribbean Sea CSP Caspian Sea CST Cape of Storms EAR Eastern Antarctic Ocean ECH East China Sea EIN East Indian Ocean EMD Eastern Mediterranean FES Far East Sea GUY Coast of Guyana HUD Hudson Bay IVR Ivory Coast JPN Sea of Japan LAB Labrador Sea MAR Mid Antarctic Ocean NET Near Atlantic NAT North Atlantic NRT North Sea NRW Norwegian Sea OKH Sea of Okhotsk PCI Pacific Islands RED Red Sea SAT South Atlantic SCH South China Sea SIN South Indian Ocean SPC South Pacific SWH Swahili Coast TAS Tasman Sea WAR Western Antarctic Ocean WHT White Sea WIN Western Indian Ocean WMD Western Mediterranean [img]http://i.imgur.com/lRXB19p.png[/img]