Oliver nodded as Sanguine confirmed his suspicions. He didn't see anything wrong with taking over the world, as long as she didn't hurt too many people in the process. He supposed that was his job, though, to minimize casualties so they would have a world to rule over that actually had people in it. She went on about taking over the world, but the Paladin couldn't help but chuckle when she asked him to imagine being king of the world. "I'd rather be ruler of [i]dat ass[/i]..." he whispered with a grin, giving the vampire a squeeze. He was pretty sure it would be fun to be king of the world, but at the same time, he really wasn't all that worried about it. He was powerful enough on his own, that if he really wanted to, he could go carve out a little kingdom of his own and live a relatively peaceful life. Of course, he'd much rather live with Sanguine, so he wasn't planning on that as long as she was around, but the fact that it was a possibility seemed to bring him a significant amount of peace. No matter what happened, he didn't have much to worry about, because in the worst case scenario, he could always retire quite safely. Then it occurred to him that the worst case scenario probably actually involved some kind of apocalyptic battle and him actually having to use his sword again. He decided to focus on how attractive his partner looked, tucked up under his arm like she was, and refused to think about anything remotely like the worst case scenario...