[quote=@aladdin_sane] Awaiting GM approval on this, but to make things a little more interesting I'm deciding to give Albania some satellite states. My reasoning behind this is that while in real life the anti-revisionist communist parties backed by Albania could not compete with parties propped up by China and the Soviet Union, in this timeline I envision the Albanian Party of Labour arising from the first successful communist revolution thereby being the vanguard party that facilitates the spread of Marxism across the globe. The Santiago Pact (formally, the International Confederation of Marxist Parties and Organizations, or sometimes informally ICMPO): is a treaty that ingrates the defenses of Albania and fourteen other ideologically compatible states (Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Chile, Columbia, Côte d'Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Mali, Nicaragua, Suriname, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago) in order to combat the spread of imperialism and reaction across the globe. Despite the treaty's assurance of political independence all of the member states are indirectly governed from Tirana and toe the party line. [img]http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn75/jer1717/Albanian%20Satellite%20States_zpsmak7aadc.jpg[/img] *Santiago Pact Members are Light Red, British Empire is Red* [/quote] Hm. Hm hm hm. I would like to see if we get Soviets before I give my full authorization, but if we get imperialists, you are welcome to the title birthplace of the revolution. Note, however, that when I make the actual map, borders are very much subject to change. Very interesting idea.