[@Ninian][@Light Lord] Leo felt his hand touch the top of Amphoros' head and began to stroke his... wait. [color=mediumvioletred]"That's uh, that's not fur. How did I not notice that? And just because a pokemon isn't high maintenance doesn't mean you can't treat it to the best, you should see my Banette, if she wasn't taking a nap she'd show you how a low maintenance pokemon can really shine if kept looking good![/color] Leo said with a proud chuckle, as if Banette somehow benefited from those words. The chuckle died off fast and was replaced with more words, as he spoke in a more regal tone. [color=mediumvioletred]"Anyways, Hello Devon, Nasir. I haven't just arrived, I was just greeting my sister here, she had a connecting flight coming in from Hoenn but had to be off. And this little cutie is a Noibat! He's a dragon flying type, and even if he's not the most experienced yet, he'll be contest ready in no time I'm sure.[/color] He winked at the Noibat and held his hand out flamboyantly under the Noibat who did a quick loop around it before flashily spreading his wings and letting out a joyful cry. [color=mediumvioletred]"So is this guy's name is Shock? I heard you say that and something about a tire, and I would agree it's not much like a tire."[/color] Leo found himself talking all of his ideas at once, again. He wasn't one to leave anything on his mind unsaid when it popped up. He gave the Amphoros a little smile and stood back up, reaching behind his back and scooping the hiding Lilligant in the air, spinning her on the way up. H was holding her in front of his torso easily as she was only about 3 and half feet tall, maybe a little taller. A small child basically. A look of comfort overcame her as she was lifted up into the coordinator's arms. She turned her head to look at the two trainers and their pokemon, making the best happy expression one could with just eyes. [color=mediumvioletred]"This is Lila, she's a little quiet but she's nice."[/color] as he said this, a few flower petals surrounded the two in a mini-tornado. They circled three times and then drifted slowly to the floor. [color=mediumvioletred]"Thanks, Lila, haha. I'm guessing you guys are new here and making your way to the pokemon center, right? I don't want to keep you waiting to start your next big adventure. You [b]ARE[/b] adventurers, right? You look the part, the hair, the clothes, the pokemon of various types, you guys just scream traveling adventurers."[/color] Leo said whistling a little. The Noibat stopped it's constant flitting and flew to land on his shoulder. He set the Lilligant down and returned her to her luxury ball, and tossed a second in the air, returning the Noibat as well.