[center][@Sho Minazuki][@kapuchu][@Lazo][@I-Am-X] [b][h3][color=fff200]Kushiel[/color][/h3][/b][/center] And so the Battle was on. As the torrent of fire blossomed underneath the Champion, followed by projectiles coming towards his position, Kushiel wasted no time as he joins in the action at hand. Yet as he prepares to attack both Lily and Fenn, he recognizes blood-red spikes coming from above. He quickly dodges them as he flies around them, while blocking a smaller one with his arms. The AT-Field within them managed to make him relatively unscathed for the meantime. As he unblocks, he prepares to charge at the enemy forces, only to recognize that the aftermath of the previous attack make a beeline towards his direction! At first, the blood droplets did nothing to him as he tries to race back to the ground... Only to have the surrounding area explode on him. Caught in the blast, Kushiel would've surely faltered head overheels over this attack, right? Not exactly. As the smoke begins to slowly dissipate, a powerful shockwave ripples through and pushes away the smoke and debris, via AT-Blast even going as far as having Blair probably get stunned for a second or two. Now knowing the culprit of this attack, the Archangel takes advantage of this as he makes a dash towards the Mundas General, spear in hand, as he issues several Power Slashes towards his opponent, which would follow by a powerful Power Thrust. It would be quite a combo if all were to hit their target. [hr] [center][@Sho Minazuki][@rivaan][@Zorogami][@Zarkun] [b][h3][color=crimson]Gideon Al Ghul[/color][/h3][/b][/center] As Kosara interrupts his speech, Gideon found himself crashing into a tree and ultimately falling flat on the ground. He had to admit, he wasn't exactly expecting it. Even then, he had no time to react. He groans as he slowly gets up while rubbing his head, lucky not to have received a concussion. He then glares at the other half-demon and clenches his fist in pure anger. [i][b]"Shut it, chains for brains! Who told you to interrupt me when I was trying to have a friendly conversation!”[/b][/i] [color=crimson][b]"Says the one who interrupted my own..."[/b][/color] he grumbles quietly as he forces himself to listen to what she had to say. Indeed, all she had to say was utter bullshit and sounds utterly biased to him. Of course, this was to be expected, but her rude behavior against the politeness of a demon general should surely get her into some trouble. As soon as she finishes, the demon general walks slowly towards her with a nasty frown creeping over his face. He wanted to say something back, only to be interrupted by the Gorgon herself. [color=green][i]"I see... You of the demons offer my allegiance with the demons, and you ask me to defend this world?"[/i][/color] she replies to Kosara. She took a step forward and a tall upright stance as a fine straight dagger slipped out of her wrist, from which she took. She with a graceful motion of the hand threw it to the ground where it would jut out of the ground, and snakes began to pour from it. Both Gideon and Kosara began to slowly back away from the slithering horde. He wasn't sure if she was going to fight the both of them, and indeed if she did, it would be a poor choice. He considered about showing off his weapons, until once the snakes were a distance away, they stopped. [color=green][i]"Unfortunately for you my little flower, I have no interest in this world. It may be the one of my birth, but my desire to find my origins far outweighs some dainty little forest, let alone this world."[/i][/color] A silent sigh of relief ripples through the general's body as he looks at Kosara with an evil grin. The snakes began to approach her specifically, slowly creeping and trying to surround her as Gorgon's giant twin snakes kept their eyes trained on her. [color=green][i]"You, general of Mundus, I would like to depart as immediately as possible. I grow tired of being a queen of a droll place such as this",[/i][/color] she demanded. [b][color=crimson]"Of course, my liege,"[/color][/b] he answers back with a light bow, [b][color=crimson]"I will make~"[/color][/b] But before he could finish, suddenly he heard two rocket shots being fired from a distance, hitting the group of snakes that approached the half-demon. It appears that they weren't alone out here after all. Gideon quickly turns to the direction of the shots, only to see a cyborg already pointing his weapons at him. [i]"Hey there! Two on one seems a bit unfair, don't you think? How about I join this little party of yours."[/i] The demon general responded by pointing Lucifer's Wings at the cyborg, not firing, but on the very brink of doing so. [b][color=crimson]"Your presence is unwanted."[/color][/b] he coldly states to this mortal, [b][color=ed1c24]"Leave mortal, or you will be eliminated."[/color][/b] This one was merely a mortal. Armed to the teeth yes, but not quite to be considered an actual threat. That however, was when a real threat came around. The Demon General hears footsteps coming from his right, along with a barrier that cut off their retreat. Around the corner, came what appears to be a nephilim... a very familiar nephilim to be exact. It was the same one he saw during the Barlour mission. Wrath was he? [color=FireBrick][i]"Miss Gorgon, I strongly suggest that you reconsider. The Charred Council is the highest authority and power within reality as we know it. If you don't join us, it's our job to see your existence comes to an end here. Oh, and you,"[/i][/color] he points at the half-demon from Barlour, [color=FireBrick][i]"that invitation is extended to you as well, though if you're here as a rep for Mundus, I suppose changing sides isn't on your to-do list, is it?"[/i][/color] [b][color=crimson]"Your "Council" reeks of corruption!"[/color][/b] he answers back, raising his voice slightly, [b][color=crimson]"You only seek total rule over the Three Realms and nothing more!"[/color][/b] It appears that he and Gorgon were surrounded from all sides. They had nowhere else to run. They must stand and fight to the death. However, Gideon has a few simple tricks up his sleeves. As he backs up towards the Gorgon, he decides to whisper something. [b][color=crimson]"My Queen,"[/color][/b] he mutters quietly, [b][color=crimson]"Do not fret. We may be surrounded, but I can get the both of us out of here. When the time is right, I'll devise a portal for our escape. I'll give the signal, but for now, we must fend these invaders off for as long as we can."[/color][/b] The demons that accompanied Mundas' general began to shriek aggressively as they all lunge at their opponents in total fury.