The corners of his mouth quirked up as some semblance of her good humor returned. "Force of habit." Cinead said in the way of explanation to his being evasive in the details he shared. His eyebrows then lifted as Anna then offered some advice, gesturing with her free hand to their proximity and her hand still engulfed in his. He felt a distinctive, and rather surprising, sense of loss as she pulled her hand free a moment later, his hand somewhat colder than it had been before. Disguising the baffling sense of discomfort by tilting his head and lifting his eyebrows Cin leaned back in his seat the rest of the way, pulling his hand back into his lap. "that is good advice. If any other girl in the future should show a desire to be Friends with me, I will do my best to refrain from giving them the wrong idea." She had once again placed her head back on the table and he allowed himself one brief furrow of his eyebrows before he had to look away, the professor finally heading towards the front of the room and calling the class to order.