Ah, Philadelphia. One of the world's greatest cities. A place where blue-collar workers just go about their days, with no idea of what goes on right under their noses. The Red and White Courts are having their usual turf skirmishes, as they have for ages past. Ditto the Summer and Winter Courts, though right now, the city is fairly well held by Winter. Minor practitioners are just trying to keep their heads down, hoping to avoid the crossfire, while the White Council is keeping an increasingly nervous eye on the situation. Though it all, a new name has arisen, a name that is starting to strike fear in the hearts of the supernatural community: Black Jenny. So, this is going to be a Dresden Files roleplay. We will be playing in an AU around the same time frame as Storm Front. That way, there's no need to be concerned about canon. Since it's here, it's pretty obvious we will indeed be using the tabletop system. Here's the link. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://web.mit.edu/ternus/for/dfrpg/DFRPG-V1-Your-Story-eVersion.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwiIi5Ge6O_MAhVJV1IKHWDMDqoQFggoMAc&usg=AFQjCNH5atbowJPxNxqNkuY5g23rFoao3w&sig2=49TrrN8952lnwLFKEWTDfw For more info on mechanics and character creation, please see my mechanics co-GM, [@Blue Demon]. [@KiltmanBagz] will be my story co-GM, helping build the world. I will be overall GM, making sure the two sides cooperate properly and that we all have a blast. What I expect from you guys is simple: No fighting in the OOC. No godmodding, metagaming, yadda yadda yadda. GM and co-GMs are the holy trinity. What we sez, goes. Last, and by far the most important, HAVE FUN!