Grim turned his pointy-toothed smile on Azurael. "Why so curious, miss Azurael?" He responded to her query with another query. He sniggered. "Accidents do sometimes happen you know..." He added in an ominously suggestive tone. Looking around the room at the sudden uneasy glances being cast his way, his grin grew somewhat broader. "Actually, I'm coming along because the realm of the dead must be relocated. I must find a suitable spot on Terra in which to relocate it to. Originally, it was located on Genesis, but, well, we all know about the situation there. So, I need to move it down to Terra. The dead are very excited about this new development, which is a nice change. They rarely get to have any fun, you know. Of course, there's always the ones that like to go Haunting when they're very bored, but I can't let them out and about for very long. You see, they would get too attatched to the loving world again, and then they would start causing me some trouble, so...Ah, but I'm digressing. I do enjoy a good chat with someone from the living realm." His grin became sheepish, and he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. The General's expression did not change. "If you are quite finished, Grim, then I am sending Stormy to the infirmary to recover." "Ah, yes, al'Talvor, quite finished. Hehe." Grim replied. The corners of T'vor's mouth turned down slightly in a mild frown. He pointedly gestured at Azurael. "Go."