[@POOHEAD189] [h1][color=ed1c24][b]ROUND TWO MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAA PREPARE YO BUTT[/b][/color][/h1] Although unrelated, I’m glad you’re giving this a go, and also that Dax actually looks like an argonian this time. Rejoice! Appearance is totally fine as far as I’m concerned. His early years are very well presented and give a clear idea of where he learned his skills, his motivations for moving on, and tying in some excellent cultural and racial aspects of argonian society into his experiences and identity. Seriously, it’s very interesting and consistent! Well done! One thing that may or may not be an issue but something to definitely consider is how Dax would feel and/ or react if he knew of what the argonian situation in Windhelm was, seeing as that’s the de facto seat of government for the Stormcloak cause. It’s something that might come up for him, and might change his opinions of the Stormcloaks somewhat. You don’t necessarily have to put it on the sheet, but it’s something to ponder about as the game goes on. One event that happened in game so far was the argonians of Windhelm, and gcold can correct me if I misunderstood, but any other around Kamal invaded areas, have been called back to Argonia by the Hist. I imagine this might have had an effect on Dax. This isn’t something you probably would have known about unless you read back a few pages, but I think it’s one of those things that we as GMs should be able to help you out with if it effected his character. On the other hand, one of the other argonians in the group, Tsleeixth, didn’t feel the call and he was in the city at the time. Regardless, it has nothing to do with the quality of the stuff you’ve submitted, just a little extra that I wanted to note for our sake because of in-game events! Like gcold mentioned, you may wish to specify what kind of two handed Dax is proficient with; I think he has things set up like Oblivion and prior where it’s blade and blunt, with blunt being stuff like hammers, staves, and axes (don’t ask, Bethesda’s a bunch of weirdos) and blades being swords and spears and other slashy-stabby things. You might not want to do the poison alchemy bit since he’s a hunter, and the last thing you’d want to do is contaminate the meat, and if he’s a two-handed weapon user, he might want to have heavy armour and block a bit higher, especially considering his history with war with the dunmer and presumably some close encounters with wildlife, given his profession as a hunter. Echoing what gcold said about weaknesses, nothing really acts as a weakness that isn’t highly situational. His lack of tact might make his social interactions a bit edgy but given that he’s not going to be commanding the company or negotiating, it is almost a non-issue, lack of just reflects a common situation for anyone who isn’t a mage (which are most people), and a fear of chains is really something that may never be encountered and is an extremely situational instance. Weaknesses like having an addiction, something like a sleep disorder, physical ailment from an old wound, fear of water (that would be HILARIOUS for an argonian), maybe a fear of magic, anything like that that would hold them back in common situations. Using my character again, he’s illiterate, has a leg that periodically has pain flare ups, and he has a moral code against killing so when he fights, he may not be able to do what has to be done. So far, the leg thing and the code against killing have been things that have come up in the IC so far. Other than that, looks great! Seriously, well done.