[url=https://parahumans.wordpress.com/]Worm[/url] is a web serial about a girl with the power to control bugs. It has an interesting story and a ton of unique powers. I'd like to play in a Worm RP, and I'd be willing to GM. We could play as Wards, Protectorate members, or independent heroes or villains. I'd like for character creation to be the rules from [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/17WIAhETdtVGSKzFuDYOT2_6U_MMXmTGyzCziYhCwozo/]Weaver Dice[/url], where everyone comes up with trigger events (which are traumatic events that give capes their powers), then we roll to see who gets which one. The group would then figure out powers for each trigger event. Once everyone has a power and a trigger event, we come up with backstories. After character creation I would be more interested in a freeform game, rather than rolling for everything. I'm up for this to be free, casual, or advanced.