[hider=Raven Bloodstone][center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/33c4pys.jpg[/img] [color=92278f][h2]Name:[/h2][/color][h3]Raven Bloodstone[/h3] [color=92278f][h2]Age:[/h2][/color][h3]20[/h3] [color=92278f][h2]Genre:[/h2][/color][h3]Alternative Rock/Metal, Electronic Pop, and Pop Punk[/h3] [color=92278f][h2]Instrument:[/h2][/color][h3]Voice and Guitar[/h3] [color=92278f][h2]Background:[/h2][/color][h3]Raven was born into the world of music. As the executives daughter of the rivals, she was brought up to be ruthless, aggressive, and fearless. With talent to spare she's crushed her enemies and all who stand in her way, gaining the admiration of many and the fear from other musicians/artists/idols. Though she seems as cold as her mother, not to mention obeys her every whim without question, she has felt trapped in this life for as long as she can remember. She secretly wants out, but there's no way her mother would ever let her out of her sight. Raven knows she'll keep her within the company for eternity, especially since they are secretly funding technology to upload the consciousness of people into Android bodies once they die. Raven is terrified but she never let's it show, and she isn't going to stop that for anyone, especially that rival company Locksley Records.[/h3][/center][/hider]