The short adolescent demon looked up from another patient that was currently sacked out on a medical bed. "Ain't you that Angel princess's bodyguard? The hell you taking orders from T'vor for?" She laughed. Clearly she had not yet been apprised of the current political status of the ship. "Anyhow, lemme see what I got." She bounced over to a cabinet and started rummaging through things. "Oh yeah, siddown somewhere; bed, chair, whatever. How ironic! Never heard of an Angel that was airsick!" She giggled at that. She seemed to be a highly energetic young lass. "Totally normal for demons, ya'know, maybe somethin' to do with our love of techno-thingamawhatsits and junk. But totally not normal for Angels. Oh, whoops, that didn't make you feel any better about it, did it? Heh, my bad." She shot Azurael an embarrassed grin. "I say though, it's about bloody time you lot understood how useful my medicine is! I mean really--what would happen if you had a whole load of dying Angel warriors on the battlefield and all your medics were on the verge of exhausting their energy trying to heal them all? Half of 'em would die, let me tell you. You lot could benefit from this kind of knowledge, you know!" The young demon jogged back over to Azurael with a strange device that had a vial of some brightly-colored liquid attatched to the top. "This is just gonna poke you with a teeny-weeny little needle. Yep, it's gonna sting, but it's way more preferable to puking every half hour, right? Yeah. Oh yeah, I'm Ariadel, by the way. You can call me that or any variation of it, I don't care. What's your name? Oh yeah, and why were you being bullied by that giant komodo, anyway?" Ari continued to spout even as she casually stuck Azurael's arm with the contraption. One could assume that by 'giant komodo' she was referring to the General.