[@Jay Kalton] Fellow England bae (Ellie is from Bristol, England :P). I'm gonna assume this is your first C.S. since I don't see any other character of yours in the tab >.> (Co-GM has piss poor memory guys). There should be an extra section that has something written in it (check out the rules). But once you add that tad bit, she's accepted. :) [quote=@Jay Kalton] Just gonna drop this CS here before its lights out for me. [hider=Brook][hr][hr][center][h1][color=40E0D0]Brooklyn McKenzie[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [IMG]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8v5tyRoRa1rv667e.gif[/IMG] [b]{[/b]"[i]If you want something, take it. If you don't like something, protest against it. If you're eager to do something, do it. Time isn't going to stop for anyone. And neither will I. All I have to do is not get caught doing fishy shit.[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b][i]Brook[/i][/b][/center][hr] | [color=40E0D0][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Brooklyn McKenzie | [color=40E0D0][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | Brook - Because Brooklyn is apparently too long to say (plus she thinks Brook sounds way cooler) | [color=40E0D0][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | April 24th 1997 | [color=40E0D0][b]Age[/b][/color] | 19 | [color=40E0D0][b]Classification[/b][/color] | Sophomore | [color=40E0D0][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Female | [color=40E0D0][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Heterosexual | [color=40E0D0][b]Alias[/b][/color] | Little Lapis | [color=40E0D0][b]Role[/b][/color] | Villain | [color=40E0D0][b]Loyalty[/b][/color] | Delphina | [color=40E0D0][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Brook is a small, lithe young woman, standing at around 5’3. Her skin is noticeably light, and her eyes are noticeably (light) green, though she is often mistaken for being much younger than her actual age because of her large cheeks. Her dark hair is quite wavy and thick, and falls to her chest in layers. She's been noted to be reasonably atttactive, with her small round face, button nose and rosy lips. Brook seems to have an unusual love for hooded clothing, and is often seen with her favourite grey jacket no matter what the weather is like. She swims quite a lot, so she has managed to retain a slightly toned and athletic build. | [color=40E0D0][b]Habits | Quirks | Oddities[/b][/color] | ~ Chews gum too loudly (it ticks a lot of people off) ~ Plays music too loudly (you can hear it from her earphones) ~ Snores too loudly (has earned her many pillows to the face) | [color=40E0D0][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | ~ Climbing trees ~ Drawing (she's an artsy person) ~ Bike riding ~ Swimming | [color=40E0D0][b]Likes[/b][/color] | ~ Sitting by ponds ~ Stargazing ~ Cats ~ Autumn/Fall/The seasons where leaves turn red and shit ~ Bubblegum ~ Bubbles in general ~ FOAM ~ Clothes with hoods | [color=40E0D0][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | ~ Very hot weather ~ The colour yellow ~ Soapy eyes ~ Getting a (unwanted) major tan ~ Dogs ~ Blueberries ~ Snails | [color=40E0D0][b]Fears[/b][/color] | ~ Very high places ~ Walking in very large crowds on her own | [color=40E0D0][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | + Confident + Witty + Outgoing ~ Mischievous ~ Sly ~ Cheeky - Merciless - Cunning - Selfish | [color=40E0D0][b]Personality[/b][/color] | In the eyes of the ignorant, Brook comes off as your typical mischievous, adventure seeking girl, with a cheeky tongue to boot. She plays as the young woman who hasn't exactly grown out of her childish habits, often teasing others for a reaction and trolling the absolute shit out of people for fun on occasion. Having always been a prankster at heart, she's been called a pest a few too many times. She doesn't seem to bite when people try to socialise with her though, so if you're up for a good talk then Brook won't (usually) mind. In reality however, Brook's heart is cold, selfish and terrifyingly merciless. Her mother's villainous teachings has moulded her into the cunning and manipulative woman she is today; this lady has much more than just two faces. But as long as the entire school population isn't aware of her ten faced ‘personality’, then she should get along with them just fine. She's only ever fully trusted one person in her entire lifetime, and with that many faces and facades, its clear that Brook keeps a lot to herself. But its it's not like she makes it her priority to hurt anybody that comes into her line of sight; she will only do such things if she sees it to be necessary. Brook wouldn't want her cover to be blown now, would she? And she wouldn't want her face blown up by some lightning manipulator during class, would she? Troublesome acts are for troublesome people, and she intends to keep most of herself to herself until she finishes her education at Mayphina/Delpheather/Mayweather x Delphina. | [color=40E0D0][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | Water Mimicry - An ability that allows Brook to become a body of water (whilst retaining her normal appearance). Although it may not sound that interesting at first, this power is quite troublesome to go up against and is an unusually versatile one. ~ Semi-invulnerability - Brook is able to let attacks dealt (or shot) from five metres away and less pass through her body with ease. ~ Extended limbs - Brook has the ability to extend her limbs (which appear like large tendrils of water) up to six metres maximum. By manipulating the water density in her limbs she can expand them to block and catch solid objects (again, only those thrown from within a five metre radius), or even use them to drown people whenever she feels necessary. ~ Camouflage - By transforming her entire body into water, she can blend herself into areas with large amounts of water (ponds, lakes, rivers). ~ ‘Melting’ - After liquidating her body, Brook can pass through cracks and small holes. However, the amount of time it takes for her to fully pass varies, depending on the size of said crack/hole. Minor Hydrokinesis - Not an ability Brook has fully explored yet, but she is capable of moving cup sized amounts of water. | [color=40E0D0][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | ~ Semi-invulnerability - Not only does Brook have a limit as to how far an attack must be dealt to deal her damage, but she has a time limit as well; she can only be in her liquid state for an hour in total. If, for example, she was in her liquid state for two minutes and then transformed back into her normal one, she would still only be able to use this application for 58 more minutes if she were to transform again. Once twenty four hours have passed, her time is restored. ~ Extended limbs - Shares the same weakness as her semi-invulnerability. As this is technically the same as transforming (parts of) her body into water, if she were to extend her limbs for a minute and then transform her limbs back to normal again, she would only be able to extend her limbs and become semi-invulnerable for another 59 minutes. ~ Camouflage - Brook will remain invisible in water for as long as she can hold her breath. * Being electrocuted while in her water form will probably leave her roasted for days, and may become life threatening if the injuries are severe. | [color=40E0D0][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | London, England | [color=40E0D0][b]Family[/b][/color] | Beryl ‘Rain Woman’ McKenzie (Former Villain) - A surprisingly friendly woman with the ability to manipulate and create water rather than becoming it. Rumour has it that it will start to rain heavily if you piss her off. Richard McKenzie (Deceaded) - Died before Brooklyn's birth. Said to have had the ability to manipulate and create ice. | [color=40E0D0][b]History[/b][/color] | Though her role in society, and her mother's previous role in society, and her grandmother's ancient role in society may make people think otherwise, Brooklyn McKenzie had an unusually mundane childhood. The only difference between her and the annoying kid from next door's upbringing was the moral principles they grew up with. In a short explanation, as long as you didn't get caught doing naughty things, then you would be A okay. A+ if you managed to put the blame on someone else. In a much longer explanation, Brook was to be brought up to become a manipulative and cunning young villain, using people for her own benefits. Someone not giving you a small loan of a hundred pounds? Hold their family captive till they do. Someone teasing you for coming into school with an unwashed uniform? Send them crashing down with words and have them lick the dirt off for you. Of course, these are some extreme examples, though the second one has definitely happened once. Ah, those good old days where Brook's heart and mind knew no limits. She was brought up by her now single mother Beryl, the two growing very close with their similar interests and mindsets (of course). Beryl was a proud mother, proud of her daughter and proud of her talents. Noticing her daughter's skill in acting and the art of manipulation, and the manifestation of her powers at a young age, Beryl decided that Delphina would be the place to go after she had finished high school. If Beryl had managed to become a talented villain there herself, then she was sure her daughter would too. Although a bit hesitant leaving her mother to travel afar to this new school, Brook eventually found a wonderful new settlement at Delphina. This wonderful new settlement would only stay standing for another year or so, however. The fire that happened on that one night ripped through Delphina and through her roommates, who had unfortunately not been blessed with the convenient power of water mimicry. Although she did consider them as ‘all right’ friends, she had a pretty much ‘eh, whatever’ type of reaction to the whole ordeal. The only thing she ever really got emotional over was seeing the expensive sketchbook she bought the day before being burnt to ashes. Poor sketchbook. [/hider] [/quote]