[hider= Harold's Relationships][center][h1][color=#FFD75B]Harold Jefferson the III[/color][/h1] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/3ba7bf0415ef5c9babae0cf14a13ab2b/tumblr_o2mclpqsgl1sr9zugo1_1280.jpg[/img] [color=#F4AC4B]{[/color][i]"It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit."[/i][color=#F4AC4B]}[/color] [color=#FE9A5D]⚜[/color] Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || [color=#DE88FF]☮[/color] Friends || [color=#31F6F9]♫[/color] Best Friends || [color=#FC6984]♥[/color] Love Interest || [color=#F74961]⚤[/color] Boyfriend/Girlfriend || [color=#DB0000]☠[/color] Enemies[/center] [hr][hr][hider=Freshmen][color=#DB0000]☠[/color][color=ed1c24][b]J A M E S . S P I N N E[/b][/color][color=#DB0000]☠[/color] [i]"Every time I see this boy all I can think about is how immature and uncivil he is. I have babysat four year-olds who act better than this moron. To add onto it his ability is just spider capabilities? Wow I'm [i]sooo[/i] impressed. Too bad he can't find another gimmick."[/i] ☯[color=ABB2B9][b]A L L E N . H O P S[/b][/color]☯ [i]"I can't even glance at this fellow without getting a shiver up my spine. Something about him is very unsettling and unnatural. However, I've heard he enjoys Greek mythology which is something I dabble in."[/i] [color=#DE88FF]☮[/color][color=D8BFD8][b]M I L O . U S H K O W I T Z[/b][/color][color=#DE88FF]☮[/color] [i]"I'm pretty sure everyone thought he was a lady, and I know he's used to it. I apologized after asking him directly, and he took it very well. He's very cute and soft spoken, hopefully no one takes advantage of that. He reminds me of someone from a roman-- I MEAN FROM A MOVIE!"[/i] ☯[color=00aeef][b]C A R M E N . C H A V A N A[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Little bit too old to be in her freshman year. I understand though, I've spoken to administrators about her and heard she was in prison. Even though I've seen her tattoos flash out as she walked passed me, it's almost inspirational for her to come back to get her education. And for that I give her my respect."[/i] [color=#DE88FF]☮[/color][color=0072bc][b]T E R R A N C E . O ' B R I E N[/b][/color][color=#DE88FF]☮[/color] [i]"Terrance doesn't like it when I call him by his full name. I still call him by it, because nicknames are not suitable for me. But in all he's good company, his jokes make me chuckle. I have never been comfortable with any types of flirting but I tolerate it. He also seems...off..I can't describe it."[/i] ☯[color=darkcyan][b]E L I A N A . L O V E L A C E[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Ditto. I like her mother, fine woman and keeps everything in shape. Of course I don't kiss the ground she walks on, but she's one of the few teachers that care about order in this academy. Oh right, Eliana. Beautiful girl, I have never felt the need to speak to her."[/i] [/hider] [hider=Sophomores][color=#DB0000]☠[/color][color=#FFBF00][b]S A M U E L . K E A T S[/b][/color][color=#DB0000]☠[/color] [i]"What a little brat! I don't speak to this swine and he dare tries to come at me just because he "Felt like it" , his words not mine! He reminds me of bullies from my school days, that's all he is, a bully."[/i] [color=#FE9A5D]⚜[/color][color=deepskyblue][b]W I L L . B L A K E[/b][/color][color=#FE9A5D]⚜[/color] [i]"I had to think for a minute to remember who this is. William is the most quintessential hero I've ever seen, and I live in an academy filled with them. The first time we met I think he was asking me a question and it led into greetings. I couldn't help but chuckle during it, but I didn't say anything because he's too cute to mess with."[/i] [color=#DB0000]☠[/color][color=powderblue][b]B R E N N A . L A N C A S T E R[/b][/color][color=#DB0000]☠[/color] [i]"I really don't like how she uses her looks and temper to get what she wants. I never want to speak to her, if she tries to pull anything on me I [b]WILL[/b] do something about it. And no I don't mean tell a teacher, pricks."[/i] [color=#DE88FF]☮[/color][color=springgreen][b]A V A L O N . M I D D L E T O N[/b][/color][color=#DE88FF]☮[/color] [i]"She is the same way as Brenna, I don't like manipulation in the slightest. But, after telling her that upfront and we both shared words, I can actually hang out with her. We share almost all the same likes and we can have some pretty fun conversations. Most importantly we have the same views towards villains, so I can overlook her manipulating ways."[/i] [/hider] [hider=Juniors]☯[color=868324][b]J A C K S O N . H U N T[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Quiet and reserved. I respect that. He's pretty good looking, I don't like him but if he did ask me to grab some coffee I would most definitely not decline."[/i] ☯[color=215435][b]M I T C H E L L . D A N F O R D[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Listen. I know we have a good number of attractive young men, including me of course. But this guy looks like someone from a movie, too bad he's a villain so he obviously has bad intentions. He would mess with me quite a bit, even though he doesn't recently I try to keep my distance. "[/i] [color=#DB0000]☠[/color][color=662d91][b]L U C A S . F A R W E I G H T[/b][/color][color=#DB0000]☠[/color] [i]"Excuse my language but this prick is a fucking cunt. I'm not going to lie, I started our first confrontation and he almost punched me. But after that he still wants to yell out insults that sound like they were written on the bathroom stalls in grade school. Sometimes I'll give my two cents or just laugh in his face and walk away. He really isn't worth my time, the imbecile. But oh no it's not only me, it's all Mayweather students! He was picking on Milo and I had to tell him to back off and bickered with him so Milo could leave. If he's going to be staying here he should learn how to just deal with the situation at hand."[/i] ☯[color=silver][b]J E S S I C A . S T E R L I N G[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Who? Oh right, she's a very hard-working young woman....that's it. Maybe she works too hard actually, I know how it feels to be overworked but it's her lifestyle not mine."[/i] [/hider][/hider]