Eric He nodded and, shifting Andro over, reached for the knob, sighing when, while turning it, it locked into place and the familiar ching of a knob clanking against metal made a dull sound. He swallowed and looked down at Andromeda. [color=orange]"I-It's locked."[/color] He stuttered and swallowed again. The air in the hallway felt thick and heavy, not to mention awkward as hell. Thinking for a moment, Eric decided to set Andromeda upright carefully so she could reach her key. [hr] Lily She grinned at Carmen's comment on her dress. [color=coral]"Sorry. I felt like being comfortable today. Fashion can wait for tomorrow. Though... If it were my choice I'd probably don on some slacks and a sweater but..."[/color] She replied, shrugging. [color=coral]"Oh?"[/color] She replied at the hand squeeze and comment on the music. Taking a moment to really take the music in, a slow smile found it's way on Lily's lips. [color=coral]"It certainly is. What was it called again?"[/color] She asked, but as soon as she did, the music changed to something a bit more... upbeat. The fast beats flooded the formerly serene ballroom and jarred Lily who's head shoot towards the direction of the music to see Criston grinning and waving at them from the DJ's booth. He had a girl with him and was now walking in their direction. [hr] Criston [color=yellow]"Hello you three."[/color] He greeted them, nodding at the new boy and then turned to Carmen. [color=yellow]"I hope you don't mind my new selection. Classical isn't my favorite. He chuckled as Lily herself rolled her eyes and commented. [color=coral]"It [i]was[/i] peaceful."[/color] Still, she retained her graceful smile and shook her head at Criston, chuckling. [color=yellow]"Well, it is [i]my[/i] party, after all."[/color] He replied, throwing his nose in the air in mocked pride. Ayane, the girl at his side, peaked from around him and then stepped out, smiling brightly at the group before her. She lifted a delicate hand and waved in a small motions.