Azurael decided to answer Ari's statement one by one. Having been in stressful situations before allowed to be somewhat proficient in dealing with queries coming at her left, right, and center. "No, I am not the bodyguard of Her Royal Childishness. I was fired and on threat of execution or worse I defected to Demon citizenship." "Yes, it happens. More often than you might think." "You have a point about the medicine. Our race is far too proud, or at the very least most of my kind is." Azurael discovered a new fear. Having had healers with the Angels she had never needed to be poked with a needle. "OW!" She roared, mostly out of fright. The guard looked on the verge of tears. "That was mean." She said in a small voice. She left the last query unanswered as she was surprised by the needle.