Oliver sighed when Sanguine made it clear that he would not be in charge of her bottom. He did perk up at the notion that he might get his hands on it once in a while, though. That idea was one he could get behind without question. He enjoyed the rest of their ride home, working hard on ideas that might get him closer to the Guild Master without making things weird. He figured it shouldn't be too hard, considering she'd let him sleep with her their first night together, but that didn't stop him from plotting. He would take any advantage he could get if it would keep the two of them together. His thoughts were interrupted when they got back, though. Jeeves was quick on the draw, and had the door open even before they were fully stopped. The two highest ranking members of the guild stepped out and the vampire was already giving orders. The Paladin said nothing, letting her hand out commands. When she paused, he nodded, having nothing to add. Then the woman dismissed the butler, and the two of them headed inside. The lounge was apparently ready for them, but the Cleric wasn't so sure he wanted to just crash in there in full armour. Indeed, he was thinking more along the lines of taking a nice bath and changing into something comfortable before he did anything else. "What are you thinking?" he asked the woman. He meant about what she felt like doing as far as unwinding, but supposed he'd accept whatever answer she could come up with.