[quote=Dragon princess] There was silence in the land of the four tree's suddenly, no bird or insect made a noise it was silent as the grave till the wind started to seemly started to pick up harshly as the wind screamed across the lands. the tree's seemed to bend and tangle up with each other the circle seemed to be alive and the ground shook. Suddenly a voice echoed through the circle, a million voices echoed out the great spirit voice echoed around, there was million voices around everywhere voices echoed around The top of the fires caught a flame but it was spirit fire as a pillar of flames shot down and then appearing before him was a eight foot tall Pegasus mare with glowing blue eyes and massive wings folded up beside her carefully. she looked at the down at the wolf before her the mane of gold swirled around her neck and her tail slashed their the air like a razor wind of gold. ________________________________- Tryuis was drinking peacefully till he hears a splash and eyes widen as he jumped out but his tail was stuck. the unhappy lightning cheetah chirps angrily as cheetah made no other sound then purring as well. The cheetah's tail was stuck in the ice and the cheetah was anything but happy it kept chirping angrily clawing at the ice to get it away from his tail. The cheetah sent a powerful electrical shock throughout the ice to find the creature that controlled it and to give the user a nasty shock 'release me now" the cheetah chirpis angrily. __________________ Sytche walked through the shadowy relam of her home as she went back toward the large base camp, guarded by shadows and demons and creatures of evil. yet they didn't attack her they where not alive so attacks against them with metal and matrials could be none helpful. the demons allowed her to pass as she waked through the line and went to the large green and yellow tent and started working on her posion armor once more thinking about each detail carefully. she was skilled with crafting metal and poision together to get a deadly mix. when she was finished she walked away back on her patrol going to a river and drank from it then smirks "who dares to fallow a lioness out in the shadowy realm?" she mews but didn't turn around to face her stalker as she kept drinking the water peacefully. [/quote] The dire wolf looked up at the great spirit, he knew his mannerisms when speaking to someone of her stature, he bowed respectfully, flattening his ears as he did so. "I've come to converse with you great spirit, regarding a grave matter.." He spoke, taking a breath to continue, the pegasus probably had many matters to take car of but this one was important. "I fear that the dragon Ferki has escaped from his prison, if no one stands ready the forest will be in danger of corruption.." He said to her, standing confidently. --- Axton yelped loudly as he was shocked by the electricity produced by the cheetah, sniffling and whimpering as the volts surged through him. His tears came down, puddling up on the frozen river, he wailed loudly, the ice beginning to crack, out of his control completely. He wasn't very good at using his powers, he swam out of the now ice water and shook himself dry. He was scared of the cheetah for what he might do to him, he looked mad. --- Katan wasn't able to track the lioness through the camp so he had waited, watching her return and begin to leave. He stalked the female through the valley until she stopped to drink at a river, he froze when she called out for someone who was following her. That meant him apparently, he was no coward and he would run away now of all times, his steel coated his body, making his body look like a smooth surface when he was a steel wolf. He stepped out of the brush and faced the lioness. "I do..." He said to her.