[center][h1][color=6ecff6]Hira Sojikina[/color][/h1] [img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/640x/b3/8f/f4/b38ff469e1bda1d0e29ba8e5b3f55d1e.jpg[/img] [i]"It's not that I can't. I just really don't care."[/i][/center] [h2]General info, chronologicalrand physical.[/h2] *Chronological Age: 19 *Physical Age: 19 *Status: Active *Weight: 132lbs *Height: 6'7" *Gender: Male *Eye Color: Gray *Hair Color: Black *Physical Build: Slender and tall, with little room for muscles. *Grade: C1 *Distinguishable Features: **Glasses **Almost always in scrubs. Seriously, someone buy this guy a new wardrobe. [h2]History/Bio[/h2] [b]History[/b] Hira was born in the rural country–—a fact he so strongly tries to hide. His father had vanished, seemingly running away at the knowledge that he had a son, leaving behind Hira's single mother to raise him. For the years in his blossoming childhood, Hira received a basic homeschooled education. Nothing too simple; nothing too advanced. Just basics to keep his life going. Hira planned to take over the farm he had been raised in. After all, what more was there to do for someone like him? Everything seemed so simple. Then Hira's mother got sick. With no money to afford a doctor, his mother quickly fell to the unknown illness. She grew weaker and weaker, eventually remaining in bed for the remainder of her days. In that time, Hira was determined to save his mother. He poured over as many medical books and guides as he could've studying fervently. He ventured into the far away town, using his meager money to buy books and medicine. Alas, it wasn't enough. As Hira reached the age of fourteen, his mother passed away. It was then he made a promise to himself: To never let the same thing happen to anyone else he loved. Hira had made up his mind. Gone was the dream of owning the farm. Now, he was going to become a doctor. Through hard work and donations from family friends, Hira managed to make it to the academy. He worked hard to climb the ropes of Panacea, eventually becoming the leader and top medic. Currently, he works hard to take advantage of the faction war while simultaneously keep his grades up. Despite his success, however, there still lays the lingering ruins of a dream. A dream of a simple life, in a simple house, on a simple farm. A dream forgotten long ago. [b]Personality[/b] Hira is an asshole. And no, that is not exaggeration. Easily annoyed and bitter, Hira seems to be in a never ending ball of irritation. He's quick to snap at the smallest inconvenience, and extremely blunt. He shows no concern towards rank or status, making him just as easily yell at upperclassmen if they annoy him. And usually, they do. Despite his cold nature, Hira can be surprisingly caring. He's stern, but gentle towards his faction members and friends, and is uneasily deterred when he sets his mind on something. He has a tendency to grumble at patients, but will not stop until he's satisfied with their health. [s]Basically he's a lowkey Mama Bear.[/s] [b]Abilities, and Weaponry[/b] What Hira lacks in physicality, he makes up for greatly in intelligence. His sharp wit, paired with his studious habits, have caused him to advance through his academic classes at an astonishing rate. Additionally, Hira is a medical master. Then again, you have to be in order to be leader of Panacea. With enough pharmaceutical knowledge to rival Apollo, Hira is by far the most skilled medic in the school.