[hider=Character Sheet] [h1][color=e34234]Tavin Graham[/color][/h1] "Well i'll be a Tomb Keeper's illegitimate child, here goes any chance at all for anything remotely resembling a quiet life where I can skate by under the radar." [hr] [h2]Relevant Information[/h2] [list] [*]Chronological Age: 19 [*]Physical Age: 17 [*]Status: Active [*]Weight: approx. 147 lbs [*]Height: 6'5" [*]Gender: Male [*]Eye Color: Brown [*]Hair Color: Raven [*]Physical Build: Thin and lanky [*]Grade: 12th grade, he was held back a year. [*]Distinguishable Features [list] [*]Old New York Yankee's Baseball Cap [/list][/list] [h2]Background[/h2] Tavin was born in New York City, to a relatively poor family of two. With a Hispanic mother and a caucasian father. He didn't have any siblings so there wasn't really much to worry about in terms of mouths to feed. For the first eight years he went to school in America, however Tavin had gotten himself involved with teens of a more disreputable nature during the course of his seventh grade year. Predictably, this led to his grades slipping and Tavin even having to repeat 7th grade again. However. a solution came with his dad accepting a new job in software development in Japan. Which meant the family had to relocate. Though the school system was a lot harsher in Japan than in America, mostly because he had to play catch up with the other students and learn Japanese. Five years later, the only memento he has of his homeland is the yankee's cap he bought at a baseball game he went to, an odd irony as he's been referred to as 'Yankee' a few times since he and his family relocated. Tavin Graham is considered an average student at Genryoukan, not really excelling at any of the subjects taught yet not really putting himself in any risk of failing any classes, who prefers to stay out of the whole faction business and keep cruising below the radar as the old saying went. Yet behind the charade is someone who is constantly observing people and listening to conversations, trying to find tidbits of information on others that may be useful later on. To further remain 'under the radar' so to speak, Tavin has taken on a lackluster attitude along with the clothes to match. The only real constant to Tavin's attire is the Yankee's cap he always wears, and if anyone paid attention to Tavin they would note that he treasures the cap enough to keep it on his person at all times. Other than that, Tavin isn't above currying favors with others to suite his needs if he needs to. Though it's really only to further the ruse of him not being interesting enough to investigate. He can be a jumpy and paranoid when given the slightest reason to be, though given the fact that he might end up tangling himself up in his own web of lies and falsehoods Tavin does have a god reason for such behavior. [h2]Personality[/h2] At a glance, Tavin seems to be aloof and easygoing with others if not a bit on the slow side. Playing the part of that one friend who you sometimes makes you want to face palm in public. But that is only a ruse, one that Tavin will shed quite easily when he is absolutely certain he is alone and in private. Once he is certain, Tavin will reveal a more callous and narcissistic twist to his personality. Displaying a more derisive outlook on other people mixed with self gratification of himself. [h2]Abilities/Weaponry[/h2] Tavin's greatest strength lies in knowledge. more specifically his gathering of information through listening in on conversations and doing research to determine fact from rumor mongering in order to get dirt on individuals. It is through the knowledge that Tavin has collected where he can work his metaphorical magic. Disseminating rumors, trading information for favors and using the dirt he has gathered on individuals as blackmail. There are other things that Tavin may do with what he has uncovered, but one thing is certain. Knowledge is power, and Tavin knows how to apply that power to his advantage. In addition, Tavin has an uncanny skill with acting. Being something that he's taken an interest in. He's capable of adapting to many social situations because of this, even changing his mannerisms and behaviors like he was swapping between roles in a play. Add that in with his tendency to dress for the part if he had the privacy and the clothes for it and you have someone who can fool and mislead a great number of people. That, and his skill does wonders for when he is eavesdropping and trying to remain inconspicuous while doing so. Tavin prefers not to get into physical confrontations with others, but there are times when he has no other choice. It is in those situations where he might show that he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. With a lanky body structure and somewhat higher than average staminal he can toss a decent punch plus take a hit, but it's generally clear in fistfights that Tavin just isn't built for brawls. [/hider] (Welp, this be my attempt. Just tell me if anything needs to be changed or something. ^^; )