[center][img]http://s1.zerochan.net/Erina.%28Pixiv548610%29.600.1015775.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=0072bc]"Those that cannot do anything by their own hands are ultimately worthless."[/color][/center] [color=0072bc]Name:[/color] Joane Lear, "Night Princess" also sometimes called the "Knight Princess" [color=0072bc]Age:[/color] Seventeen years of age. [color=0072bc]Titles:[/color] [i]Daughter of Lear, Princess of Lear, Princess[/i] [color=0072bc]Origin:[/color] Penkarth [color=0072bc]Allegiance:[/color] House Lear [color=0072bc]Family:[/color] [hider=Family] Ulfar Lear - Father Taron Lear - Younger Uncle Ildar Lear - Youngest Uncle Emmaline Lear - Mother Isla Lear - Eldest Sister Sigurd Lear - Older Brother [/hider] [color=0072bc]Appearance:[/color] The silver eyed princess of Lear is 5' 4", and often her hair is up and tied away, only sincerely styled when expected to for guests or potential suitors. When not in formal wear, she is in an easy to move in riding dress or trousers. She is easily described as beautiful and has an unearthly air about her. While she stares straight ahead, it seems that her eyes see through anyone before her, and any potential lies they may try to give her. [color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] Seeing the bad first in people, Joane prefers to keep her safe distance from attachments that she deems fruitless and potentially deadly. Her only solace is in riding and training in weapons and fighting. She tends to ward people off due to her cold nature, but amongst guests and royalty she is cheerful and seems polite enough. Joane is a social chameleon, often seeming to change depending on the situation. However, this has only been to her benefit thanks to the games other kingdoms like to play. Joan is still utilitarian at heart, using the game to try and destroy it through their own rules. She enjoys making others fulfill their deadly promises themselves. [color=0072bc]Background:[/color] Compared to her sister Isla, Joane was more distant from her father. She wished to be closer, but never dared to voice her desires to spend more time with him. She measured her time and waited. When that didn't work, Joane decided one day to try and follow in her father's wild footsteps, opting to practice with the sword in secret. The mild winters and bright summers made her ache, wishing deeply for the cold winters that the visitors to the North claim exist. Joane was a quick study, opting to learn about the history of the kingdom and how to best be of use to the kingdom outside of looking pretty. She learned the art of deception from the outsiders and their mannerisms, often following them and observing how they would act differently from situation to situation. Her silence, she learned, could be a tool. However, she needed to speak as well, and though she wasn't interested in pretending to like strangers, she did so anyway. Eventually her father realized that his daughter had been training with the sword. Through it, they have grown closer. She has no suitor due to her tendency to keep people at arm's -or sword's- length. It has become apparent that she's not interested in marrying for the kingdom, claiming that her sisters can do that, and that if someone were to win her heart, it would be by action, not words, and that no prince with a honey tongue can do so.