RESERVED WIP WTFBBQ AMIRITE [Hider=Basic OOC Rules Disclaimer] Ladies and gentlemen, I dislike lists of rules because I dislike treating you like children (even if you are, in which case this is probably not the place for you). Standards of the Advanced Section apply, though I personally am substantially more interested in Quality than Quantity. There is, however, something I would like to discuss both overall and, specifically, in regards to neon use. [b]First and foremost, this is a collaborative, narrative game.[/b] What that means is that we're all in this [b]for the better story[/b]. If your character has beef with someone else, that's all well and good--if your character, say, controls their blood to give them an aneurysm so they drop dead in an instant (looking at you Alex, you dick!), that is both [b]not writing for the better story[/b] and [b]being a dick.[/b] If you want to have a fight with someone else, by all means, go ahead--if you want to bring powers into it, please, do so! But communicate with them so that everyone has fun and the integrity of the story remains rather than turning it into who can be a bigger asshole. [b]Second, powers work.[/b] We're all playing God Neon so we can run around as super-powered gangbangers, so [b]let people have their super powers[/b]. Don't just say 'your power doesn't work on me' without a good reason--take the opportunity to let your character experience what it might be to go from a real, reasonable world to one where the girl next to you can read your mind when she's high. [b]Third, I reserve the right to make executive decisions.[/b] This is not a democracy. I will be happy to take your suggestions into place, but I will jealously defend the integrity of the game. If I say no to something, or ask you to redo something (which is [b]very[/b] unlikely), I trust you to understand that it is for the good of the game as a whole. I'll even be happy to tell you [b]why[/b] its for the good of the game as a whole. But if push comes to shove, I'll win every time. It's not wise to pick fights with the person who controls abject reality. Didn't work out for Lucifer, won't work out for you. [b]Have fun![/b] This is a collaborative narrative game, guys. We do it because it's fun. If you're not having fun with it, take a look at why not. If it's on you, change it. If it's not on you, talk about it. If you need help arbitrating something, just talk with me about it. Really. It doesn't have to be a big deal. This is my trusting you face. Don't make me change it. <3[/hider] [Hider=Neon Use for Fun and Profit] [hider=The Full Monte] [Indent] [i]Sit down. No, seriously sit down. This is going to be a hell of a ride. You want the short version or the long version? 'cause the short version's 'put it in your mouth'. 'That's what he said', right? Come on, man, it was funny! 'least a little funny, I mean, look, just because shit's going down doesn't mean-- ...uh. Right. I'm sorry, man. Really. I am. That shit Yeah. So. Neon. Bright lights in the big city, or whatever. Looks fuckin' shiny, doesn't it? I mean, look at it. Lemme tell you, walking in on a bathtub of this stuff? You shoulda seen what it did to the fuckin' enamel. You know I'm pretty sure the active component's some kinda chemical, right? I mean, it's all chemicals, but some kind of salt or somethin'. Bathsalts--hey, that's kinda funny. I mean, they always did say they made you eat people's faces or something, right, and now they-- Oh. Um. Okay. Right. So, just put it in your mouth. Really. You can swallow, if you want, but I kinda like it on my tongue. Like electric-ice-jelly, you know, like something you'd get after blowing Frosty the Snowman. I mean, I wouldn't know, but--anyway. So it's gonna hit you like a freight train, right, in about...let's say thirty seconds, or whatever. I haven't timed it yet, so you're my guinneapig. You--no. No, you don't squeak. Shit, I forgot to start the-- Oh yeah. Oh [b]yeah[/b], man, I can tell just by looking at you. Bet that woke you the fuck up, huh? How's that for some red pill bullshit? Welcome to the real, baby, realer than real. The real fuckin' deal. I dunno what kinda fucked up shit you got going on in there, but lemme tell you--some Breaker motherfuckers are gonna be real sorry they found out. Get down to ground level, man, Chief Dante's got a pep talk for all you little injuns. Next [b]victim[/b], baby, I'm fucking ACME with this shit![/i][/indent] [b]Neon[/b] is not like any drug that existed up until it did. Very, [i]very[/i] little is practically known about it. It reacts poorly to a great number of tests, does not produce reliable or standard effects, and responds differently to seemingly every person that takes it. No commercial lab has been able to functionally replicate its effects nor has any street alchemy been able to distill whatever juju it was that brought it about to begin with. So far the only true source of it is the dealer known as God Neon, who is notoriously difficult to track down. And Verge Hanson, apparently, because someone up there loves gingers. Neon looks to be a small capsule filled with what looks for all the world to be mercury--it's supposed to have gotten its name from the way it warps the street light, but nobody's ever really called it anything else (except, briefly, 'wagonwheel'). If the pill is cracked open the liquid is thick and viscous, ice-cold to the touch. It evaporates shortly after, though the fumes (while heady) are not nearly as potent. It cannot (currently) be used in any other form, and attempts to do so end poorly. Verge's poor stop-watch-fu aside, it [i]is[/i] approximately thirty seconds after popping the pill before the effects hit, and they [b]hit[/b]. Neon provides a distinct 'charge' like most stimulants, an immediate burst of energy and a general sense of power--not-unfounded power, mind, as it also gives the user its trademark super-powers. For approximately an hour after ingesting a pill, the user is able to manifest their (relatively) unique power, which does not change between doses. Most powers have what Verge has scientifically dubbed a 'base' level and an 'elevated' level. The [b]base level[/b] is the mild manifestation of power that comes simply from taking the drug. A mind reader will begin to read minds; a person with telekinesis ([i]telekine,[/i] God, read a book) might be able to levitate small objects. This continues until the person comes down from the drug, at which point the effects end (as do any supernatural effects that might have been maintained by them). The [b]elevated level[/b] is the acute manifestation of power, the sort of shit that really shows off the potential of both drug and individual. Said mind reader might be able to bore down into someone's memories instead of just reading surface thoughts; said telekine might be able to lift and throw a car. It's at this level that the power becomes...well, power[i]ful[/i]. It also burns through what Verge unscientifically refers to as 'juice' much faster, with a full hit of Neon lasting about five minutes at full power versus the hour it does at base. Much though he'd like to pretend otherwise, Verge Hanson has not made this a tried-and-tested process. Sometimes it lasts a bit longer; sometimes it doesn't. Some powers can only manifest a base level or an elevated level--Dante, for instance, lacks a base level to his power. Running out of juice is a good term for what happens when it runs out, though, because it's as tiring as coming down from a coke rush. The only thing that helps after that is sleep or...well. More neon.[/hider] Mechanical Summary: [List][*] 1 hit of neon = 1 hour of mild power use or 5 minutes of full power use. [*] Neon feels like a stimulant. It boosts you up, and it feels good to use your powers. [*] Come down from neon wipes you out. Another hit rejuvenates you, but otherwise [i]God[/i] do you want a nap. [*] Different powers function differently. Figure out how you want yours to, but be consistent.[/list] [/hider]