The final preparations for the festival were still underway by the time that the Thangor had landed, though their people were gladly accepted to make merry while everything was being set up. Many did not mind that the fact that these outsiders were here, mainly because of the alliance thing that they had. Soon, traders with clay pots and other goods, even some Askari chicks if the Thangor dared to take them on. The council was at the festival, enjoying themselves like they were supposed to in a time like this. The Queen, at the time, was making her way to the Thandoram landing. She wanted to see their great ships and just stand in awe at the sight of them. She passed many Thangor headed to the festival, she greeted them accordingly and wished them all a good time at the festival. Thatcher was soon at the landing, gazing upon the ships with wanderlust. She felt that the Thangor got to live the good life with their constant adventures and the likes. She would not let that get to her, this was going to be a time to make friends and nothing else. Though, she did long to stowaway on one of these ships and go on an adventure, but the Council would never forgive her if she left. The people came first and the people needed Thatcher to keep unity within the lands. [@POOHEAD189]