At the pronouncement that he wouldn't be paid if they were dead, Soli'd's hands slowly curled into fists. No one could see the expression on his face, but they could almost feel his displeasure. Still, he'd bagged bounties alive plenty of times before. It just wasn't his favorite option. He would do well, however. It was all a matter of making sure they would be immobile after finding them. This admiral never said that they couldn't have a few broken bones. Provided they gave him trouble, of course. He would simply bind them if they were cooperative. But they were never cooperative. The Mandalorian stood to his full height, and gave a nod to his fellow. "[color=ed1c24]Brother.[/color]" he said, before turning and making his way out. The thousand credits was a nice gesture of good faith. The Empire might be as despicable as the next fascist regime, but they did good business. And good business was all Sol'id cared for. That and the hunt.