[center][h2]Mitis Forest-Forest Showdown[/h2][/center] Wrath chuckles at the half-demon's words, shaking his head. [color=FireBrick]"Well if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black."[/color] However, further discussion was cut short by the appearance of a handful of demons appearing and lunging at himself and his allies. [color=FireBrick][i]Alright, fun way it is.[/i][/color] Noting around six of demons charging him, three from the half-demon's group and three Assault Demons, Wrath unleashes a Cleaving Slice that takes out four of them in one go, all three of the half-demon's lackeys with one of the assault demons. The remaining assault demons rush the nephilim, slashing with their claws and weapons, and Wrath leaps up and over them, landing and killing both with a slash in the Magna form. Turning, he manages to roll out of the way of a flurry of fireballs sent his way and find brief respite behind a rock. After a second flurry, Wrath leaps over the rock and closes the distance with the trio of fireball slinging demons, slashing horizontally to put an end to all three at once. He turned, looking to see how the others were doing. Noting that they seemed alright, he turned his attention to the pair of demons and brandishes his sword, changing to the Unum Form and smiling slightly. [color=FireBrick]"So, who wants to dance first?"[/color]