Akita gulped when she saw the bigger rock. She was confident they could move the smaller rock together, but she wasn't so sure about this one. She took her place next to Kiro, nodded, and together they began to push the boulder. It was like pushing a steel wall. Her arms felt like they were giving out and she could hear Kiro grunting beside her. She felt like they were pushing for five minutes and just when she was about to give up, the rock moved forward about an inch. "Kiro!" Akita shouted happily. They were finally going to learn techniques! Ally knew the two were going to be able to move the smaller rock since they had been training so hard and she was excited to see them working to learn techniques. That was before Master Roshi changed his mind. He said anyone could lift the boulder, and she felt slightly hurt by the comment even though she knew he was just saying that to stop them from moving the rock. In an effort to cheer them on, but not distract the two, she shouted [i]Go Kiro! Go Akita![/i] but on the outside she stayed stone. Then the two began to push. She didn't think they could do it, but the rock finally moved and she jumped up, yelling, "Yes!"