[@Seravee]lol Because it's satire :p That'll be fine and quite interesting. You can RP multiple characters but don't force me to limit. I want other players to be able to contribute character concepts that have yet to be taken. You said you're interested in a Ned Stark-like character, but you don't intend to design a House inspired by Winterfell? [quote=@KiltmanBagz] Something like the Lanisters or Tyrell i suppose. A house of riches and pride. I envision their territory containing many mountains and mines and that metals and minerals are their major exports. Silver and Iron being the most abundant. The family keep I picture being literally built from a mountain, perhaps carved down into shape from the time when the family first formed and began to mine the area. Deep beneath the keep I picture there being a bit of carefully contained ( via magic of course ) lava, suggesting that the mountain castle was once a volcano. They use the primal source of heat to fuel the fires of the Great Forge, which processes a lions share of metals they mine. [/quote] I like that. If you need help designing a banner, let me know. I can play with photoshop. Let me know what region you'd want them to occupy. Here, I'll get a more colorful map and you can pick a color to represent Silverhorn territory. Since your House's people deal with magic in secret, are they all mostly Unicorns? And I meant to say, write me a description of the Silverhorn House banner. [hider=Color Map][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/gameofthrones/images/b/ba/Regions_of_Westeros.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20110325095413[/img][/hider] I am going to be on my mobile phone, so if I seem standoffish that's why. I'll be home soon to do more lol. [b]The Black Area, by the way, is the Winter Waste beyond The Wall.[/b]