[center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/Dxflpf8.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/LiU58SQ.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/702f96ee5077c9686638d2e1b393fbf6/tumblr_inline_ns5yzectOD1s3l2i4_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location[/u][/b]Wide Open Road → Pet Inn [b][u]Interacting With[/u][/b] Each Other[hr][/center] The hour between Georgina leaving the school parking lot and pulling up beside the Pet Inn was a long, boring one. Her only source of "entertainment" (a term she'd use very loosely in this situation) was of mindless chatter about the next new fashion trend playing over the radio. Somehow, it was as if all the gods had gathered together to see how long it would take for the bluenete to crumble of boredom. Though, going at this rate, it wouldn't take much longer. Upon arriving and changing into her uniform — a simple black t-shirt with the name of the business printed on her chest along with loose, but comfortable dark blue jeans. Well, the jeans weren't exactly part of the uniform, but as long as she was wearing the shirt it didn't matter to her family as much. She was greeted by some of the usual faces: old Janice with her three cats, weird Colleen and her rowdy dog, quiet Lukas with his adorable rabbit-parrot duo and many more. It was turning out to be a nice, albeit busy day for the Pet Inn, something Geo was glad for. The business needed more people. Busy days like this were good, it made her feel less anxious that they were going to lose the business, but then her anxiousness would always return the next day with little customers. Geo heard the telltale sound of a car engine rumbling outside the store as she tended to Janice's three cats behind the counter. Part of her hoped that it was another customer, but the other (bigger) part of her wished it was Davy. Well, Davy [i]and[/i] Sprinkles, because who can forget the cute duck? After letting go of the third cat, Georgina stood up, dusting the cat fur off her jeans as she readied herself to greet whoever entered through the door. Sprinkles did not like cars. He didn't like fancy cars, fast cars, slow cars, shitty cars, clean cars, dirty cars, new cars, old cars, vans, buses, tanks. None of that shit. Sprinkles [i]hated[/i] cars. And the entire ride, he quacked to express just how much he didn't like cars. He didn't like the radio, so Davy shut it off. The whole way there, Davy was mentally wondering just how much Viola regretted agreeing to driving him there. Eventually, Davy rolled the window down and held the duck out in the fresh air and Sprinkles was... [i]slightly[/i] more satisfied. At any rate, there was less quacking. [color=228b22][b]"Sorry,"[/b][/color] David apologized sheepishly to Viola, sighing as they pulled up to the Pet Inn. Sprinkles [i]much[/i] preferred to travel via his owner's skateboard, where it wasn't [i]loud[/i]. When the mechanical beast was finally shut off, the duck was sated and he gave one last quack as David opened the door and shook his head. [color=228b22][b]"Oh, it looks like it's busy today. That's good. Kinda. It means Geo might be busy."[/b][/color] He frowned and shrugged, then went to the door, opening it. Upon seeing the blue haired girl that he was in fact, very fond of, the duck in Davy's arms started to quack happily. [color=228b22]]b]"[i]Shhhh,[/i]"[/b][/color] David said, placing his index finger on the back of Sprinkles's tiny duck-head. The quacking slowly came to a close and David looked up at Geo, smiling. [color=228b22][b]"Look, I'm here! And so's Viola... wherever she is, probably right behind me. That's what I'd guess anyway. Sprinkles is happy to see you, though."[/b][/color] [color=goldenrod]"Here hun."[/color] Viola's arm grabbed around Davy's own. Her eyes were on Geo. [color=goldenrod]"So this must be Geo!"[/color] she said interestingly. Viola scanned her head to toe and then toe to head. Based on how much Davy was mentioning her not only when she offered him a ride but also the way over to his house AND the ride back, she half-expected her to be of supermodel caliber. What she was looking at was above-average best. Decent hair, admirable features, eyes that bring you in but don't do much after that. Everything about her screamed average at best. She wasn't even a challenge for Viola. She would crush her. Of course, that was much later. For now, Viola would be friendly. As Sun Tzu said, If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. Modern translation? Viola would befriend Geo, then crush her entire spirit. Fun right? [color=goldenrod]"Love the shoes, babe."[/color] Viola commented, looking at Geo's shoes. Well, Davy was here. But with a friend this time. It was definitely a first to see Davy arriving with someone other than Sprinkles. Especially someone that looked like... that. Like a blonde goddess of sorts. Geo was curious, Davy wasn't the sort to hang around with many people, let alone someone of [i]her[/i] sort. [color=mediumslateblue]"Thanks,"[/color] she nodded in response to her compliment. [color=mediumslateblue]"I like your uh... hair? Yeah. I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are."[/color] It was a partial lie. Geo knew [i]of[/i] Viola, but she wasn't high enough on the social ladder to be considered someone that Viola could hang out with, let alone know. Honestly, Geo didn't know how to react to Viola, especially after she walked inside with her arms around his. [color=mediumslateblue][i]'Are they together?'[/i][/color] A nagging thought pricked at the back of her mind, [color=mediumslateblue][i]'is that why he was gone all lunch?'[/i][/color] [color=goldenrod]"Thanks hun."[/color] Viola said smiling. It was a fake smile. What kind of person comments on a person's hair? That was odd and weird. Maybe that's how this one was like. Perhaps the key to her charm was the weird awkwardness that seemed to be the rage among people these days. Viola didn't get it, but best not to poke the beast without knowing how it works. [color=goldenrod]"Yours is neat."[/color] Wow. Viola actually said that, didn't she? [color=goldenrod]"I like that shade of blue. Looks like turquoise."[/color] Viola couldn't stop herself, it seemed. Again with the compliment? Was she being sincere or was this some sort of weird woman thing to compliment each other? [color=mediumslateblue]"Thank you again."[/color] This time Geo didn't respond with another compliment — there was only so much she had in her already tiny compliment bank. She reached over to open the small gate beside the counter to let the two inside. [color=mediumslateblue]"I saved your corner like usual,"[/color] she pointed at Davy's corner, filled with a couple toys that Sprinkles usually enjoyed chewing on. Davy was all too happy to get over to his corner, duck in hand. He sat down by the toys and let Sprinkles roam free, and he happily waddled his way over to one of them, chewing on it absently. Davy was not nearly as interested in the girls spamming compliments back and forth as they might have expected. They were both pretty, and he was glad they acknowledged that, but Davy just liked to sit with his duck. And his duck just liked to chew on things. At the Pet Inn, they were both... satisfied. David reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of fruit snacks that he'd snatched while he was in his house and tore it open, eating one--green apple flavored(his favorite) before he grabbed the bowl that was sitting in his corner and filled it up before sitting it down in front of Sprinkles, in case he wanted to splash about. ...this was much less stressful than spending time with Viola and making sure he didn't say anything [i]dumb[/i]. Viola had keen eyes on the way that Davy was acting in [i]his corner[/i]. This was vastly different side to him that she saw playing with the duck. Happy, jovial, and most of all, in his element. She found it cute. Not only that, but interesting. Davy was interesting to her before, but mainly because he seemed so awkward and mildly uncomfortable around her. Now, Viola found his mannerisms in that corner, with the duck, with the toys, and being in his "zone" intriguing for a totally different reason. How did a guy like him, with the build and looks that he had, find an odd satisfaction playing with a duck? Viola had to investigate. If not for her, then just to annoy Geo. [color=goldenrod]"Geo, was it?"[/color] Viola really couldn't care less if she was wrong or not. [color=goldenrod]"Tell me a bit about yourself. How did you come to meet Davy here? How did you find a common interest of pets? And how on earth were you able to get that shade of blue?"[/color] That last one was actually genuine. For all intents and purposes, Viola was flabbergasted that someone as averagely-attractive was able to get a not-so-subtle shade of blue - and be able to own it. That... was a lot of questions. Well, only three, but it was three too many for Georgina. She looked at Viola, confused. There was nothing interesting about her, so why was Viola probing? There was a reason that Geo preferred to lay low, to be the invisible face in the sea of many in the school hallways — to avoid having to answer about herself. To avoid boring people to tears when they realize that Geo's not that interesting despite what her blue hair may imply. There was no sad story, no wild party nor no gossip that Geo could provide, so why bother to include herself along with the other shallow students? Despite that, Geo swallowed whatever question she had, [color=mediumslateblue][i]'maybe if I show her how boring I am she'll stop asking me stuff?'[/i][/color] Geo thought before answering Viola's questions. [color=mediumslateblue]"Well, I work here, I have blue hair and I like animals."[/color] Simple enough, right? It wasn't like Geo was lying about herself anyway. Viola never really specified whether she wanted to know anything [i]new[/i] about her. [color=mediumslateblue]"I just... dye it? Haven't done it in a while though since I'm trying to get my natural hair colour back and all but if you're really that interested I could tell you where I find the products?"[/color] [color=goldenrod][i]A smart-ass huh? Cute.[/i][/color] Geo crouched beside Davy, her finger reaching out to gently press over the little duckling's head and laughing as Sprinkles waddled closer to chew at her shoelaces. Typical Sprinkles. [color=mediumslateblue]"Has Sprinkles eaten yet or should I get him the usual?"[/color] Geo asked David, as if she were purposefully avoiding Viola. There was the slightest hint of a chuckle as Viola tried to conceal it with a closed smirk. Her eyes were fixated on both Davy and Geo - and the duck too. She looked at them with those inquisitive eyes that were trying to deduce how their mannerisms meshed. It was obvious to Viola that they had history. Comfortable with each other enough to not feel out of place or embarrassed with someone not that far away that could be looking, watching their every move. They were also friendly with each other; however, not too friendly. Seemed that either Geo was too afraid to show whatever she felt for Davy or simply was as oblivious as Davy was before Viola gave him a taste of her lips. Davy looked up at Geo, then down at Sprinkles, then back at Geo, then shrugged. [color=228b22]"Mom and dad fed him, so he should be good. He just wants to... chill."[/color] He decided as he reached down and touched the duck's head with a finger lightly. [color=228b22]"I had a long day. I ran over Viola, briefly, and I had that... uh, art class. Yeah, art class. That sucked. It ran long today, but I drew something for... Analise, whenever I find her. She's tough to find, it turns out there's like... seventy thousand pretty blond girls that go to our school. Did you know that statistic? I didn't, but it's my best guess after today."[/color] [color=mediumslateblue]"Davy, you'll find pretty blonde girls [i]everywhere[/i] you go, have you only just noticed now?"[/color] She asked, incredulously. She didn't expect an answer though, so Geo made to with simply staring at Davy's profile with a raised eyebrow. It was cute that Davy had only just figured out that there were a lot of blonde girls in their high school - and even Geo could admit that most of them deserved to be on a runway rather than in high school corridors making the rest of the girl population feel bad, but then again, in a place like Beverly Hills High it was rare to see any girl that didn't look pretty, blonde or not. Seemingly amused, Viola kept her eyes on Davy as he would talk to Geo about his day. It was cute how he seemingly was talking effortlessly to the blue-haired pet-freak. Whether there was something between them didn't matter to Viola. At this point, she was merely allowing her boredom to be taken by taking these two as her temporary company. Surely something better would happen soon, right? Speaking of better things, Viola's phone buzzed. She looked briefly over to Geo and Davy. They were still talking. They wouldn't notice if she took to her phone. Even if they did, it wouldn't stop her. Looking at her phone, Viola smiled. Those lips curled, her tongue lightly coated them in a circular motion. It was her queen. [color=goldenrod][i]Let's see what she wants.[/i][/color] [center][color=708090][b]To: ♥♥ Viola ♥♥ There's a rat in my guest house :< Can you exterminate him for me? xoxo[/b][/color][/center] [color=goldenrod][i]A rat, she says? Could she mean - nah, that couldn't be. Then again, she was never one to..[/i][/color] [center][b][color=goldenrod]To: ♥♥ My Queen ♥♥ My poor queen. I'm on my way right now. Be sure to have a momosa waiting for me. xxxo Vi ;)[/color][/b][/center] When she put away her phone, Viola found herself getting rather [i]excited[/i]. She hadn't seen that doll in a full day. She would be robbing herself of a good time, regardless of a certain rodent, if she didn't jump on the chance to see her queen. Besides, things in this quaint pet shop was getting trite, so Viola would have to excuse herself as politely as she could. [color=goldenrod]"Sorry hun, but I must leave. A friend is in dire need of my assistance."[/color] Viola suddenly said, walking up to Davy, ignoring Geo completely. [color=goldenrod]"Just so that you don't miss me too much, hun,"[/color] Viola, not paying any mind to Geo or the conversation she was having with Davy, gave him one last parting gift: a kiss to make him remember her by. It was a deep one, tongue meeting tongue, and Viola leaving an imprint of her lipstick right on his lips. That cherry color matching his deep pink lips. And with that, Viola was gone. She was out of the door, her body leaving their view, and Viola's car roaring off into the streets of Beverly Hills.