[I]If any other girl would even talk to me...[/I] Cinead thought ruefully as he pulled out a notebook and pencil from his bag, clicking lead into place and focusing his gaze onto the professor, who had started a lecture on what he assumed had something to do with muscle structures, if the diagram he had pulled up on the projector was anything to go by. But after a few seconds, he found himself blinking, having not taken in a word that have been said, his thoughts distracted. Attempting to focus his thoughts, Cin repeated the next several sentences in his head, putting pencil to paper and trying to discern relevant information. Gradually, his thoughts drifted once more however, casting a few surreptitious looks towards Anna. Absently, he doodled in his notebook, beginning to go over the benefits and consequences of pursuing a relationship with the woman next to him. Before he knew quite how it happened, he found himself blinking down at a halfway decent picture he had drawn of a dragon rearing up on its hind legs, wings partially unfurled as a gout of flames shot from its open maw. Considering the image thoughtfully, wondering if his more instinctual side was trying to tell him something, Cin tapped an image standing behind the dragon, a young woman with curly dark hair, watching the dragon with the look of adoration... At that moment, he found himself coming to a conclusion. Perhaps, if he was careful, he could pursue a relationship with Anna. Though he hoped that the image he had drawn on the page before him never came true. Not even strong loving Anna would be able to look at him with any level of admiration if she knew what he truly was... There was a sudden flurry of motion around him, People standing and collecting bags and books, chatting happily with their neighbors. It took several seconds for Cinead to register what was going on, why people were quite suddenly leaving the room. The lecture was over. Glancing back down at his notebook, not a single sentence having been written, he released a brief huff of wry amusement. He had wasted the entire hour in his own mind. Glancing towards Anna, he revised his thought. He had spent his time wisely considering The best decision to make on a serious situation. "would you still like to go to lunch together?" He asked, hopeful that she was still in a good enough humor to go with him.