A young woman made her way down a busy street of a small Andoran town. She stood about 5'4" from the ground and had long blonde hair braided into a long, thick tail. She wore a heavy mantle and cloak over a green qipao with gold and white detail designs, and a long white sash around her petite waist. Her legs were bound in cloth and she wore soft leather sandals on her feet. Her forearms were covered by thick, heavy metal bracers lined with layers of cloth. She had sapphire eyes, tanned skin, and a glowing, angelic face. As she scanned the crowds looking for someone or something, she heard a faint scream coming from behind her. As she gave a glance of her right shoulder, she collided with someone. As her attention returned to the situation in front of her an elderly woman watched helplessly as her basket of fruit and vegetables fell to the dusty street, rolling and scattering everywhere. 'I'm so sorry, ma'am," she said humbly, swooping to the ground. She stood the basket up, collecting items and returning them to it as quickly as she could. The crowds moved more quickly and she ignored the commotion as constantly shifting feet kicked the fruit and vegetables around the street, making it hard for her to correct her mistake, and she grew irritated with the crowds. Her frustration was cut short as a blood curdling scream penetrated the hustle and bustle of the market street. Her hands stopped working and she slowly stood up, gazing down the street to find men clad in black armor entering the town with weapons drawn. One man spilled onto the street from a structure holding a screaming woman by the hand. She resisted him and he cut her down in the street as if she were a creature that had wandered into the town and became hostile in it's confusion. Confusion grew to horror, and horror to rage. She headed toward the men, navigating the now chaotic crowd of citizens fleeing the scene of the killing. Andorans had been through enough wars and conflicts to know when it's not safe to be standing around. A man passed her with a frantic look in his eyes. he grasped her right bicep firmly with his right hand. "You must come. It's not safe," he pleaded desperately, genuinely concerned for her safety given the direction she was walking. She quickly placed her left hand over the entire thumb portion of his hand, rolling her hand over his, forcing his grip off of her arm. In the same motion, she extended her right arm to his rib cage beneath the armpit, gently shoving him away from her, releasing his hand as she did so. She continued toward the men, a steadfast resolve in the cores of her sparkling sapphire gems...