[quote=Rica]I have a OC that's been bouncing around in my head for some time now. She's a weapon master with the ability to pull weapons from the people around her. The shape the weapon takes depends on the person in question. One person might provide her a bow, the other a sword and shield, the other a flail. [/quote] With regard to the whole weapons section thing, I meant what weapons Rica's Weapon Master could theoretically pull from her fellows. I wasn't actually trying to imply that your characters would use these weapons, or even that Rica's would necessarily use them, I was just giving a few examples of what could be in that theoretical universe. I just happened across this thread and, after reading the four character concepts that were posted, had the idea that they could fit well together in a Space Opera with fist fighting space ships. ^^ Well, I would be willing to put this together at some point if there was enough interest, but it was just a thought and isn't exactly a totally fleshed out concept as of yet, clearly. It wouldn't be a traditional fantasy in any, "here we are riding about on horses and milking the cows by hand," sense of the term, I mean there are space ships and intergalactic empires after all, but either way everyone involved is welcome to shoot me a PM if they want to get this or some other roleplay concept going. Also; [quote=Rica]@Liliya You are amazing :O[/quote] [quote=Meiyuki]*Applauds* [/quote] [quote=Meiyuki]@Liliya The more I read this the more I want it to be a thing... [/quote] Thank you. :D