[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Dominique%20Saunders&name=Garton.ttf&size=75&style_color=26AFFF[/img] [h3][b]&[/b][/h3] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Lakshya%20Khanna&name=DJ5CTRIAL.ttf&size=75&style_color=59A84F[/img] Location: Beverly Hills Hotel → Movie Theater → Beach Interacting With: Each Other. Collab with [@Aewin][hr][hr][/center][indent][indent]She had taken a moment to lay down on her bed, only to be shaken up by her phone chiming on the night stand. It was Lucky and a soft smile came over her face as she held her phone close to her before biting her bottom lip and typing a reply to send back towards him. [center][color=26afff][b]To: Lucky LOL. No. I'll be down in a sec.[/b][/color][/center] Dominique had to get herself together before going out with someone as handsome as Lucky. She rushed into her bathroom and fixed her makeup, a little bit and applied lip gloss to her lips. Dominique even combed her ebony locks of hair and applied small doses of her blackberry lotion upon her ebony skin. She had went back into her bedroom of the hotel and sat down on the bed, putting on flats instead of heels, standing up and straightening up her clothes before grabbing her clutch purse and putting underneath her arm. She had made sure she had everything she needed before exiting her room and going towards the elevator. When the doors rolled open, she walked right on in and hit the button right beside lobby. As the elevator reached it's destination, she watched as the doors rolled open and revealed Lucky not too far ahead. Another soft smile came over her lips as she walked right up to him, standing a few feet from him. [color=26afff][b]"So, you know one of my secrets."[/b][/color] She had said while waving her hand across the hotel's lobby. [color=59A84F][b]"I promise that your secret is safe with me, your Grace."[/b][/color] Lakshya bowed slightly gesturing towards the door with one hand as the other curled behind his back. He might as well tease Dominique while he had the chance, right? When she had heard the words from Lucky that her secret was safe, she smiled then giggled slightly as his bow. Dominique chose to live in a hotel until whatever was going on with her parents was resolved. Over and done with. Dominique shook her head from the thoughts of them and looked up at Lucky. [color=26afff][b]"So, what do you have planned for us? I didn't even have time to think of anything."[/b][/color] She honestly said while looking down then flipping her hair over her shoulder while looking back up at him. [color=26afff][b]"Here are my keys. You're the first person I let drive my vehicle."[/b][/color] Dominique winked and clicked her tongue while waiting for Lucky to say something. There was very little that Lucky knew to do. He'd only been in the country for three months, and in town for the last month. And even during that month, he rarely left his aunt's cafe unless if it were for any important business. No need to attract attention to himself when his mmain intention was to lie low - was his reasoning. Taking the keys in his grasp, he raised an eyebrow with a grin. [color=59A84F][b]"I guess I've been upgraded to chauffeur now,"[/b][/color] with a teasing lilt to his voice, Lucky led her out of the entrance and down towards the parked car. [color=59A84F][b]"I might have one or two ideas in mind. Say, what do you think about movies?"[/b][/color] He asked as he opened the passenger side, waiting for her to get seated. [color=26afff][b]"Hey. You should be lucky that I am letting you drive my baby."[/b][/color] Dominique said with a wink while walking past him now. She really couldn't believe that Lucky had actually came. After everything he had witnessed before him, she thought that she might've ran him off or something but no, he was here. She tucked a few strands of her ebony locks of hair behind her ear as he opened the passenger side door. Dominique heard his question and had one foot in the car while her hand was on top of the door, staring at him. [color=26afff][b]"I can honestly said that I haven't been to the movies in forever. So, the movies sounds nice, Lucky."[/b][/color] She said in a soft tone while getting in the car fully now, reaching out to help Lucky close her door. He was being a gentleman, something that she really wasn't use to but it felt good. It was a great feeling. Really, not in a while eh? He chose well. At least an hour and a bit would be cut and he knew she would enjoy that hour watching some weird movie and binging on really salted (or sweet, her choice) popcorn. He smiled down at her as he shut the door, moving over to the other side to seat himself at the driver's seat and shutting the door after him. When Lucky was to get in the driver's seat and start the engine, she put on her seatbelt and looked over towards him with an arched brow. [color=26afff][b]"Do you know how to get to the movie theater from here?"[/b][/color] She asked him while leaning up and typing in an address and a movie theater into her GPS. [color=26afff][b]"Just in case you don't."[/b][/color] Dominique teased while leaning back in her seat now, putting on a pair of shades and lowering her window a little bit. [color=59A84F][b]"Well, princess I must admit that I [i]don't[/i] know the way there."[/b][/color] He said, somewhat sheepishly as the engine purred to life. He definitely didn't plan enough, but he hoped that this quirk would amuse Dominique more than irritate her. Well, going by her teasing voice, it was safe to say she was definitely amused. He grinned back at her, [color=59A84F][b]"Seems like you don't know the way either, at least I have the excuse that I've only recently transfered here."[/b][/color] He teased back. [color=26afff][b]"Be careful with my baby."[/b][/color] She remarked while waiting for him to pull out of the parking lot and take her to wherever he wanted to go or straight to the movie theater she typed into her GPS. [color=59A84F][b]"Oh come on, I'm not [i]that[/i] bad of a driver,"[/b][/color] He laughed. [color=59A84F][b]"Sure I come from a country where people drive worse than blind people, but have [i]some[/i] hope for me."[/b][/color] He pulled from the parking lot, the car smoothly driving towards the cinema as directed by Dominique's GPS. The cinema wasn't as far from the hotel as he had thought. Hell, it was right beside the beach -- the same beach that he and Dominique had met at during her party -- so he was at least somewhat familiar with the area. Even his aunt's cafe was nearby, possibly a fifteen minute walk along the beach and there you'd find his place. The car ride was filled with chatter, the two teasing each other back and forth and the atmosphere light. Lucky could only hope that it would remain that way for the entirety of their... Date? Is that what he could call this? ...Maybe. Dominique talked Lucky's ear off and he honestly did the same in return. Talking to him and being around him really took her mind off of things. His aura and vibe was so positive that she didn't even think about anything else - Other than him and the movies. Her eyes looked out of the window at the scenery before as she squealed while they past by the beach. [color=26afff][b]"Remember that little spot right there?"[/b][/color] She turned her gaze to him now and smiled. [color=26afff][b]"That is where we first met or as I like to call it, the first time I embarrassed myself."[/b][/color] Dominique laughed lightly as she eyed the movie theater before them. He looked over at the spot Dominique had pointed out when he'd stopped at a red light; laughing. [color=59A84F][b]"It wasn't [i]that[/i] bad."[/b][/color] He assured her, [color=59A84F][b]"I mean, even if you did do what others thought impossible and [i]apologised.[/i]"[/b][/color] The car slowly approached the theater before Lucky realised he didn't know what movie Dominique was interested in. [color=26afff][b]"Not at all packed right now."[/b][/color] Dominique muttered but loud enough for Lucky to hear while shrugging her shoulders and waited for Lucky to make the final turn and park the car. Once Lucky did park the car, she'd take off her shades and sit them in the cup holder beside her while clicking off her seatbelt and opening the door. She grabbed her clutch purse in her hand and applied a small coat of lip gloss to her lips then looked at Lucky. [color=26afff][b]"So, what movie are we going to see?"[/b][/color] She'd ask while wrapping her arm around his out of instinct then unwrapping it, looking down, tucking a few more fallen strands of hair behind her ear. [color=26afff][b]"Sorry."[/b][/color] Dominique didn't really know what to call this evening out with Lucky. Was it a date? Their first date? She pondered the thought and just decided to ask him when the time was right as they waited in line to get their tickets to see only god knows what. Ah, the question Lucky didn't know the answer to. He'd only known her for a handful of hours over the week, most of the time the girl beside him off spending time with her family in the Hamptons. [color=59A84F][b]"Well, what do you like? Comedy? Action? Or maybe some horror?"[/b][/color] He nudged her with a grin on his face. To him it didn't matter what film they were going to watch, only that Dominique's mind would be off the events of the Hamptons. He pressed the palm of his hand to the small of her back, guiding her towards the inside of the theater so they could stand in line. With his other hand, he pulled out his wallet to find just enough money to pay for the tickets and a few snacks. [color=59A84F][b]"How about a deal? You choose the movie, I pick the snacks."[/b][/color] There was no way that Lucky was going to give up his popcorn, even if he liked his date. Dominique and Lucky were next in line as the cashier greeted them with a smile. She had heard Lucky's questions and looked up at him, shrugging her shoulders. [color=26afff][b]"It really doesn't matter to me, honestly."[/b][/color] Dominique said as they stood at the front of the line now. Luckily, no one was behind them so they had plently of time to debate. [color=26afff][b]"And that sounds like a plan."[/b][/color] She let out a cute snicker as her eyes gleamed up at the monitor that was showcasing the movies. Dominique let out a soft squeal when she knew what movie she had wanted to see. [color=26afff][b]"Two tickets for Deadpool, please. It's the perfect combination of Comedy and Action, I heard."[/b][/color] Secretly, she had loved comics but of course, she had got that from her brother, which she was wondering how he was doing right about now. Shrugging her shoulders again, she paid the cashier for her ticket and Lucky's as they were directed inside and had their tickets torn and handed back to them. [color=26afff][b]"I want popcorn with extra butter and a raspberry slushie."[/b][/color] She had told him while walking off but muttering to him before doing so. [color=26afff][b]"Going to the bathroom to freshen up."[/b][/color] She threw a wink his way as she walked towards the bathroom. [color=59A84F][b]"You got it, boss."[/b][/color] With a mock two-fingered salute, the two separated their seperate directions - Lucky towards the food and Dominique to the bathroom. Keeping her order in mind, he stood in line for the popcorn and drinks with his phone in his hand, checking through his feed again for more news about his sister. It felt like he was getting all his information from the internet, that Swara wasn't interested in talking to him no matter how much he tried talking to her. He wondered whether if it was his father's doing, but if Swara didn't want to talk to him then he wouldn't push her to talk. [color=59A84F][b]"One large popcorn with extra butter, with uh a slushie? Yeah, raspberry slushie. I'll also take a large salted popcorn with any soft drinks that you got."[/b][/color] He didn't care what he got for his own drink, to him it was all the same. He waited as the lady behind the counter gathered his order while he pulled out his own wallet again. He took out the necessary change he needed and paid the lady as she slid the items towards him. Well... now to find a way to get all that inside... While there, she had noticed a few girls were snickering and looking at her. Dominique slammed her foundation shut and turned to confront the girls. They had heard about the recent between her parents and just knew that her life and career was over. She stood there, frozen and not moving as the girls snickered while walking out of the bathroom. With a huff and hairflip, she went back to fixing her makeup and applying a light dab of lip gloss on her lips then went to the theater section where Deadpool was playing. Upon entering, she had squinted her eyes to see if Lucky had already sat down or not. The room was getting dark because the movie was starting and she just needed to know where Lucky was sitting at. Conviniently skipping over how Lakshya brought the popcorn and drinks to his seat, he was sat close to the back rows as the usual adverts and movie trailers played on the large screen. The seat beside him had Dominique's popcorn, with the drink holder between their seats occupied by her slushie. The theater wasn't filled, so Lucky was [i]lucky[/i] to get a good seat close to the back. He kept an eye at the door, waiting for Dominique's figure to be illuminated by the bright cinema screen and waved her over when he found her. [color=59A84F][b]"Here,"[/b][/color] Lucky picked up the popcorn so she could sit down comfortably before taking the box from him. When Lucky waved, she walked over there towards him and sat beside him, taking the popcorn in her hands. [color=26afff][b]"Hey, I was thinking that we go to the beach after this. Hope you don't mind."[/b][/color] Dominique had said as she was shushed by a guy a couple rows in front of them. Dominique made a scowling face at the individual while popping a single piece of popcorn into her mouth and crunching on it. As the movie rolled on, Dominique laughed and was so amazed with the action so early on within the movie. As the movie was close to ending, she jumped at rather or not the good guys were going to be defeated or not but the ending made her smile. When the rolling credits came up, she stood with a soft smile, exhaling. [color=26afff][b]"Wasn't that an interesting movie?"[/b][/color] She'd ask as her and Lucky would walk out of the theater. The movie had been fun, to say the least. Sadly he'd run out of his popcorn by around the fifty-minute mark but despite the lack of the delicious goods, the movie had kept his attention. By the time the movie was over, Lucky stood up with a wince as his leg prickled with the dreaded pins and needles. [color=59A84F][b]"This is the only part of watching a movie I hate,"[/b][/color] He grumbled as they left the theater together. Dominique would grab her keys back from Lucky and wink at him while waltzing over towards the driver side and getting in, unlocking the door so that he could join her. The drive to the beach only took a minimum of five minutes. She had parked her car and looked out just as the sun was setting over the far horizon. [color=26afff][b]"It's beautiful."[/b][/color] She muttered while closing her car door and taking off her flat shoes, walking towards the walkway beside Lucky then letting out a light moan of pleasure when her feet hit the sand. [color=26afff][b]"So, what really brings you to Beverly Hills?[/b][/color] Dominique asked Lucky as they began a small trek along the shores of the beach, walking side by side. Lucky laughed as Domi took over the wheel, [color=59A84F][b]"Not a chauffer anymore, I suppose I've been fired from the job?"[/b][/color] He joked as he slipped into the passenger side and clicked the seatbelt in place. [color=26afff][b]"No. Just know my baby misses me."[/b][/color] She offered him somewhat of a joke back. It wasn't long before they reached the beach, leaving the vehicle and shutting the door just in time for Domi to stand on the beach. [color=59A84F][b]"To study, mainly."[/b][/color] Well it was the truth, but he didn't mention the fact that he was pretty much forced to move here. It probably wasn't the best thing to say during the possible-first-date anyway. [color=59A84F][b]"My parents thought I'd do better here than I would've done in India, so they sent me here to live with my aunt to finish off my final year of high school. Not really the most interesting reason, but it's what I got."[/b][/color] Dominique nodded at Lucky's words then shook her head with a shrug of her shoulders. [color=26afff][b]"It's a better reason as any, honestly."[/b][/color] She had insisted that they sit down on the bench beside the pier and watch the sunset together. She had sat down and patted the spot beside her for Lucky to sit. When Lucky was to sit down, she'd lean her head over and place it upon his shoulder, letting out a sigh. [color=26afff][b]"Thanks for this, Lucky. For everything today."[/b][/color] She had said while snuggling a little closer to him as a soft breeze blew through them. As soon as Lucky took his seat beside Domi, the transfer had found her head on his shoulder with her body closely snuggled to his side. He definitely wasn't complaining, but he adjusted their position slightly (for both their comfort, his shoulder couldn't be [i]that[/i] comfortable) by wrapping his arm around her shoulder so she could rest her head comfortably on the crook of his neck. [color=59A84F][b]"It's my pleasure,"[/b][/color] He said, [color=59A84F][b]"but you don't need to thank me. There's a saying I follow, [i]dosti mein no sorry, no thank you[/i]-- which just means that there's no sorry's or thank you's in friendship."[/b][/color] Well, Lucky couldn't go one day without quoting his favourite Bolly film, but at least this time it was relevant to the subject[i]ish?[/i]. Lucky then awkwardly cleared his throat, and gently rubbed her arm comfortingly as he continued, [color=59A84F][b]"what I'm saying is that I'm here for you if you need me."[/b][/color] When she had felt his arm wrapped around her shoulder, she honestly gasped but then knew that he was only making her comfortable. She smiled and even blushed a little bit then chuckled at his little phrase. Dominique looked over at him with another smile as the sun was still setting. After watching the sun finally set, dropping Lucky off at his home and making it back to her hotel room, Dominique laid down on her bed, giggling like a little school girl. She then proceeded to shower and change into her nightwear then slip into bed. Dominique closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile still plastered onto her face.[/indent][/indent]